How much pickled cabbage is right for your diet? I'm wondering if the following article just might persuade you to add (more?) sauerkraut to your diet.
I like to add diced onions and apples, along with water and pepper when I'm cooking sauerkraut, but let's tune into see how Chef Uwe Rudnick cooks sauerkraut.
-->Glaubst Du, Du könntest in Berlin auch glücklich sein?
--> This article is so filled with superlatives, that I though it would be fun to list them all. Share your list with our class.
But first, select your very favorite superlative, and add it below! (Make sure yours is unique to any other superlatives already posted.)
•PLUS-PÜNKTE: Jede Woche darf man einen neuen Plus-Punkt bekommen. Schreib Deinen Lieblingssuperlativ hier auf! Mach nur mit!
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AUCH, muss ich von PILPOT, seinen neuen VIMEO, LITTLE BIG BERLIN hier inkludieren. Der Film ist einfach lustig. Man schaut heimlich von oben, auf das Berliner Leben da unten, als ob die Stadt aus lebendigen Legos wäre.
"Ist da noch frei?" With these words, one asks permission for the next seat, whether in a restaurant, classroom, or on public transportation.
In the breakthrough short film SCHWARZFAHRER, this phrase launches a racist tirade which sets the tone for the film.
Dieser Film gewann 1994 den OSCAR (Besten Kurzfilm), und auch mehrere internationale Preise.
Der Film findet hauptsächlich auf einer alten Straßenbahn in Berlin staat. Um den Film zu verstehen, muss man auch verstehen, wie man für eine Fahrkarte bezahlt. Es gibt keinen Kontrolleur am Eingang. Das dauert zu zu lange. Die Busse oder Bähne in Deutschland müssen so schnell wie möglich von einer Station zur anderen fahren.
Schulkinder und Studenten dürfen für wenig Geld monatliche Fahrscheine kaufen. Der Fahrschein muss man immer bei einsteigen dabei haben.
Für der Mitfahrer, der einen Fahrschein kaufen muss, gibt es Automaten in jedem Bus oder jeder Straßenbahn.
Und wenn man KEINE Fahrkarte mit sich hat? Dann fährt er SCHWARZ, er ist ein Schwarzfahrer, oder "fare dodger."
Warum fährt nicht jeder schwarz? Weil die Busse oft von einem Buskontrolleur kontrolliert werden. Das Verb 'fangen' heisst auf Englisch 'to catch.' Man will überhaupt nicht von einem Buskontrolleur gefangen werden! Die Strafe (penalty) ist groß. Man muss dazu sehr viel Geld ausgeben, genug Geld, um eine Monatskarte gekauft zu haben.
--> Glaubst DU, Du würdest irgendwann schwarzfahren? --> WER würde schwarzfahren?
Und was sagt der Kontrolleur, als er in den Bus einsteigt? "Die Fahrscheine, bitte!"
-->Und dann gibt es für den Schwarzfahrer PECH!
Nun hier ist der Film SCHWARZFAHRER, vom Jahr 1992. Der Regie: Pepe Danquart. (~10 Min.) (Der Filmtext folgt, auch mit Wortschatz dabei.)
Und? Denkst Du gern an diesen Film nach? (Für mich ist der Film sehr nachdenklich.)
Jetzt soll der Film gut verstanden werden.
--------------- WORTSCHATZ ----------------
der Flegel (the lout) die Straßenbahn (the streetcar) belästigen (to pester) belästigt werden (to be pestered/molested/bothered) sich anständig benehmen (to behave respectfully) sich an unsere Sitten anpassen (to adapt to our customs)
die Hottentotten (people from an African tribe; here, a barbaric designation) uns auf der Tasche herumliegen (to mooch off us: die Tasche=the pocket/purse) der Arbeitslose (der hat keine Arbeit) schwarz arbeiten (to work "off the books" without paying taxes) einer sieht aus wie der andere (they all look alike) der Anhaltspunkt (point of reference)
penetrant riechen (to have a penetrating smell) verbieten / verbat / hat verboten (to forbid) passieren / passierte / ist passiert (to happen) die ganze Sippschaft (the entire clan) das Karnickel (=Kanninchen -rabbit) sich vermehren (to breed)
der Fahrschein (ticket to ride; PL = die Fahrscheine) die Fahrscheinkontrolle (ticket check)
Scheißtag! (What a horrible day!) sich trauen (to dare / jemandem trauen + Dativ = to trust someone) der Sozialfall (welfare case) von wegen! (You've got to be kidding! / No way!) die Ausrede (the excuse) eine blöde Ausrede (a lame excuse)
Gute Vokabeln, nicht wahr? Man kann wirklich damit eine gute Geschichte anfangen.
--> Und das Thema? (Sagen wir vielleicht "AUSLÄNDERFEINDLICHKEIt?")
Hier folgt unsere Geschichte, ja, hier ist der Text vom Film.
--- --- --- --- --- SCHWARZFAHRER, der TEXT --- --- --- --- ---
Der Schwarze: Ist hier noch frei?
Die alte Frau: Sie Flegel! Warum setzen Sie sich nicht woanders (somewhere else) hin? Es gibt doch genug Plätze hier. -- Jetzt kann man schon nicht mehr Straßenbahn fahren, ohne belästigt zu werden. Wer von unseren Steuern (taxes) profitiert, könnte sich wenigstens anständig benehmen . . . -- als ob man sich nicht an unsere Sitten anpassen könnte.
-- Warum kommt Ihr überhaupt alle hierher? -- Hat Euch den jemand eingeladen? -- Wir haben es alleine geschaft, wir brauchen keine Hottentotten, die uns nur auf der Tasche herumliegen. . Jetzt, wo wir selber so viele Arbeitslose haben... -- und dann arbeiten die alle noch schwarz, als ob das jemand kontrollieren könnte... Wo von denen einer aussieht, wie der andere. Man müßte wenigstens verlangen können, dass sie den Namen ändern, bevor sie zu uns kommen. Sonst hat man ja gar keinen Anhaltspunkt.
-- Im übrigen riechen sie penetrant, aber das kann man ja schließlich nicht verbieten (forbid).
-- Als ob nicht die Italiener und Türken schon genug waren. Jetzt kommt auch noch halb Afrika. -- Das war früher nicht passiert, dass alle rein dürfen zu uns.
Mein (Mann) Hans sagte immer: "Lassen wir einen rein, dann kommen sie alle . . die ganze Sippschaft." -- Die vermehren sich ja wie die Karnickel da unten, alle quer durcheinander.
Kein Wunder, dass die da alle Aids haben. Die kriegen wir nie weider los.
-- Wenn das jetzt so weitergeht bei uns, gibt es bald nur noch Türken, Polen und Neger hier. -- Man weiss ja schon bald nicht mehr, in welchem Land man lebt.
Kontrolleur: Guten Tag. Fahrscheinkontrolle! Ihre Fahrscheine, bitte!
Motorradfahrer: Ich habe es ja gewußt - Scheißtag!
---- (Alle hollen die Fahrscheine. Der Schwarze hat einen Schülerpaß; die alte Frau hält ihren gekauften Fahrschein in der Hand.)
Alte Frau: Ich trau’ mich ja schon nicht mehr auf die Straße, wenn es dunkel wird. Man liest ja soviel in der Zeitung. Naja, wir haben uns jedenfalls einen Hund angeschafft, als man den Türken die Wohnung unter uns gegeben hat. Man kann ja nie wissen. Sozialfall? --Von wegen! Die wollen alle nicht arbeiten!
Junge: Mama, guck mal!
Kontrolleur: Ihren Fahrschein bitte!
Alte Frau: Der Neger hier hat ihn eben aufgefressen!
Kontrolleur: So 'ne blöde Ausrede habe ich auch noch nicht gehört. Ja, wenn Sie keinen Fahrschein haben, muß ich Sie bitten, mit mir mit zu komen.
Alte Frau: Die fressen unsere Fahrscheine! Wenn es ich Ihnen doch sage! -- Hören Sie, ich hatte eben noch . . . Glauben Sie mir doch! Ich fahre nie ohne Fahrschein. Die haben es doch alle gesehen. Ich verstehe das nicht . . . sie haben es doch alle gesehen. . .
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Und jetzt kommen wir zu ein paar Fragen zum Verständnis.
1. WIE reagiert der alte Mann, als der "coole Typ" in die Straßenbahn einsteigt?
2. WER reagiert auf die Tirade der alten Frau? (In welcher Sprache? Was sagt er wahrscheinlich?)
3. WARUM sagen die anderen Leute in der Straßenbahn nichts?
4. WIE reagieren der Schwarze und der kleine Junge aufeinander?
5. WAS denken der Schwarze und der Junge, der in die andere Richtung fährt, wenn sie sich in die Augen schauen?
6. WAS macht der Rollfahrer, als die alte Frau gestraft würde? Warum?
7. WIE hättest DU auf den Monolog der alten Frau reagiert. (Stell Dich vor, Du wärst der Schwarze!)
Now that I've discovered this new a cappella band (see below), I want to share a second one of their songs.
1. Watch the video with the sound OFF. What looks familiar? Write down all the German words you expect to hear in the lyrics.
2. Now, listen and watch. Check off all the words you wrote down, which were featured. How many did you know in advance?
3. How well do you think the video enhances the lyrics?
4. Are there sections which you can't understand?
Yes? Then, try this version!
Of course, the second word in the title shown above must be a VERB, right? Since there's only a single beat, the transcriber here wrote the verb as a single syllable. Deutsche war'n = Deutsche waren (waren = were; don't be thrown off by the incorrect apostrophe).
• Which version do you now think is most helpful to watch?
• Do you enjoy a song more when you understand its text?
• Do you think you can learn a language by learning song texts?
--> Let's do a check. What do these phrases mean?
1. Das Land ist klein. ______________________
2. Viele passen rein. _______________________
3. Deutsche waren wir schon als Kind. _______
4. Nicht alle müssen Deutsche sein. _________
5. Deutsche werden Helden über Nacht. _______
6. Deutsch lieben Zäune. ____________________
7. Wohnzimmer und Schränke sind Schwedisch.__
8. Deutsche wollen nicht warten. ____________
9. Deutsche schlafen vor der Glotze ein._____
10. Wer sind Goethe? _______ Schiller? _______ Beethoven? _______ (und Travi? --ein Komiker, namens Travis? Das weiss ich auch nicht genau.)
After decades of this form of folk music bearing the brunt of jokes, it may well be emerging again. Do you agree? Let's look first at a sketch by humorist, Loriot. (His real name? Bernhard Victor Christoph Carl von Bülow! This man's reputation for comedy has grown well beyond the German speaking world.)
Earning a Yodel Diploma would be a most practical and honorable quest, wouldn't you agree? Lucky Frau Hoppenstedt.
Or, not? Well, there's a third generation of yodelers hard at work winning hearts in Switzerland and beyond: the Oeschs family band, OESCH'S DIE DRITTEN.
I'm learning about a third nationally known a cappella music quintet (after "die Prinzen" from Leipzig, and "die Wise Guys," from Cologne). This quintet (also from Cologne) is named BASTA.
I came across one of their songs in an online TV interview, and think you might find the melody, along with some of the text, to be familiar.
I think it's fun watching the singers play FOOSBALL in front of the Kölner Dom, and listening to their World Cup predictions!
--> Did you figure out who Joachim Löw is?
--> Can you imagine this song being sung by football fans in a stadium?
The interview provided a tease. Are you ready to hear the full song?!
• Certainly the focus is on the recent WORLD CUP in South Africa, with comments on famous football players and various teams. (I'll bet you are at least a bit familiar with Ronaldo and David Beckham.)
• One reason to have updated the original animation may have been to better illustrate England's good humor. (The rivalry between Germany and England is INTENSE! How does the animation stoke the flames here?)
• Did the "high-flying Serbs run smoothly through the USA"? (NO! No team ran through us! But for the record, Ghana advanced over us in a heart-breaker to play Uruguay in the Quarter Finals -- where Uruguay beat Ghana, 4:2.) So, we know that the lyrics were not updated, only the illustrations. (We also know, from the song's first chorus how weak those are: "We have the best hotel," which indicates that we shouldn't bother letting our feathers get ruffled over the Serbian reference.)
• Another obvious "improvement" is the illustration to the line about how France "held itself together," (when in truth, France more or less self-destructed).
• Don't miss spotting the Chancellor of Germany (Angela Merkel). Even more famous is the Bavarian she is standing next to.
About those answers: Did you notice that most of the them feature the German construction: "um...zu", which means "in order to"? Sometimes these two prepositions are separated, and sometimes the sentence is so simple that they can't be separated, because there's nothing else to fit between them.
Let's look at the first answer we hear to the question: Why am I here on Earth?
---- "You're here on Earth ..... in order to .... celebrate your birthday."
In German that becomes:
---- "Du bist hier auf der Welt, ... um ... dein Geburtstag ... zu ... feiern."
Using German word order, it looks like this in English:
---- "You are here "on Earth", ... in order ... your birthday ... to ... celebrate."
• I'm not sure how many times I've watched this short film. Maybe you're like me, and would like to see it again. There's plenty to watch for, artistically, too.
• When you want to focus on the German language, my suggestion is that you read along with the voices. The outline below can help. Before long, you could become the film's narrator, which would be awesome, of course! But I must admit, along with the drawings and the overall message, I also love the soundtrack.
------- > WARUM BIN ICH AUF DER WELT? < ---------
(Who do you think the speaker is in each case?)
1. .......... um Geburtstag zu feiern. 2. .......... zum schnurren . . höchsten, um zu Mäuse fangen. 3. .......... um ein Lied zu singen. 4. .......... um Geduld zu haben. 5. Natürlich...damit ich dich verwöhnen kann. 6. .......... zum bellen, zeitweise um den Mond an•zu•heulen. 7. .......... um die Meere zu bewahren. 8. .......... um zu vertrauen. 9. .......... um früh aufzustehen. 10. .......... weil wir dich lieb haben. 11. Ich habe überhaupt keine Ahnung. 12. ......... um das Leben zu lieben. 13. ......... um da zu sein. 14. ......... um die Wolken zu küssen. 15. ......... um dich selbst lieb zu haben. 16. ......... um zu kämpfen. 17. Weil ich dich lieb habe.
Warum bist DU auf der Welt? Ich denke: UM DEUTSCH ZU LERNEN!
OK! Was hast Du gelernt?
Let's see if you can find which numbers above correspond to these answers!
____ a. in order to sing a song. ____ b. in odrer to purr, and at least catch a mouse. ____ c. in order to bark, at least partly at the moon. ____ d. in order to protect the seas. ____ e. in order to kiss the clouds. ____ f. in order to love yourself. ____ i. - because I love you.
• Did you get them all right?
Let's see what you've learned. See how many of the words below you know.
--- In German, this is how they say:
--- 1. a song = ___ _________
--- 2. the moon = ___ _________
--- 3. the clouds = ___ _________
--- 4. a mouse = ___ _________
--- 5. because = ____________
• Take a look at the verbs in German. Are some of them familiar?
--- Familiar or not, do the endings all make sense to you?
--- Which verb is plural?
--- Which two verbs are used more than once? ____________ ____________
Now, let me know if you liked any of the other videos in that digest!!
BUT: Don't just check out the vidoes. See, there are also games (or Mouse Spots); songs (LIEDER); and an introduction to the program itself (MAUS & FREUNDE). You might find that, like many German kids, you return to this web address many, many times. It's WONDERFUL!
PS. On the main MausSpots page, if you click on the pink paper sailboat, it turns itself into something else, right? Well, clicking again takes you to the BASTELN (crafts) menu. You won't be surprised, will you, to learn that one of the offerings on this page is how to make Schultüten?!
Let me know if/when you (come to) understand this title! Let's take a good look at it together, now. -- Hmmm. You can see the verb is "schlagen," which means "to hit; to strike". What about "der kleine Delphin"? (think: marine life), and "Purzelbäume"? (You know: der Baum, and its plural: die Bäume. So what kind of trees will appear in this story!) --> Answers below.
• FOUND: An online source for German Books!
• With free downloaded ICDL Book Reader software (University of Maryland),
maybe I won't need to buy an iPAD or a KINDLE after all. Thanks to this site, there is a growing number of 'Deutsche Bücher' available right on my own computer. German is one of the languages (Home Page, upper right) one can select. Then, it's a matter of spinning the globe to select where you'd like your story to come from, and then, if there are more than one language versions, making sure you choose the German one.
Below is a book (selected from the European continent) that I really enjoy. It's a series of clever animal stories, with the title story coming first:
WARUM DER KLEINE DELPHIN PURZELBÄUME SCHLÄGT -- = Why the little Dolphin Cartwheels Strikes,
(-- We'd say 'turns' instead of "strikes', wouldn't we? I suppose we'd also find ourselves "straightening out" that unique German word order!)
UND ANDERE GESCHICHTEN = and other stories.
By Ulises Wensell • Illustrated by Ana Maria Machado
--> So, when you see the BLOG title as listed above, will you immediately envision a little dolphin? And will you remember what 'Purzelbäume' are, AND, also which verb is used here? I'm pretty confident that you will.
Let's look at a little more vocabulary. This is from the first page of the title story:
• besonders -- hoch - springen - können =particularly -high -- jump --- (is) able to
• gern träumen = to gladly (like to) dream
• sich oft vorstellen = often imagine (one)self
• mit - den - Möwen - neben - den - Schiffen - herfliegen =with - the - seagulls - next to (the) ships - (to) fly after
• sich plötzlich verlieben = to suddenly fall in love
• eine Sternschnuppe --> Any guesses where to start to define this long word?
HINT: This is one of those compound nouns in German, which takes its gender from the noun at the end of the word. Here, there are only two nouns combined: - - - - der Stern, and - - - - die Schnuppe.
You may remember der Stern = the star.
Well, die Schnuppe is an interesting word in German. It means "Snuff" (ja Tabak!). But put these two words together, and you get (not star-snuff, but) "shooting star!"
• eine Delphindame (Any guesses here? Yup! Its also a compound noun featuring two different nouns. If you can find them, you can figure out this word on your own. Happy sleuthing!)
--> You now have enough vocabulary to write your own story here! That's a great idea, by the way. You know I'd love to read what you come up with, too.
--> Read the rest of the story, and keep track of all the interesting underwater vocabulary!
These other great stories follow that (very cute) dolphin story:
---------4. PACO, DER PAPAGEI (Papagei = Parrot! Isn't this a great word in German? Pronunciation: 'PA-pa-GUY'!)
•••> Wusstest Du, das Papageien auch Purzelbäume schlagen können? Man lernt das hier, in dieser Geschichte. (Hint: "die Geschichte" = 'the story' -- OR 'history'; and when you think about it, both of those words are related in English, too.)
•••> Welche Geschichte hast Du am liebsten? ....... Warum? ...........
OK. Another story that I've not only read, but I also downloaded from ICDL, is called:
GLÜCK IM UNGLÜCK, by Hans Wilhelm.
This title includes an interesting word that we in English got from the German language, luck. And in German, there are several words for luck, both GOOD and BAD. Into which column do you think "das Glück" falls? You'd be right, if you guessed "Good Luck" (although to wish someone "Good Luck", you'd say: "Glück auf!", or "Up with the Good Luck!").
One of the words for BAD luck appears in the title above. Find it there now, and I bet you'll remember it FOREVER!
(By the way, the other word that is often used for BAD luck is: "das Pech", which is ALSO another word for tar! If you were to grumble about your BAD luck, you might say: "So ein Pech!", or "Such bad luck.")
• As part of the package from the download, I can select if I'd like to view this book in "comic book format" with all its pages on display, or as a single page, as 2 pages, open book style, and even what background colors I'd like to see while reading. Since the text on this book seemed less clear than on the previous book, I bumped up the image, and WOW! Up popped the larger text with the clarity I needed to read effortlessly.
I'm already a big fan of this service! Let me know if you like this way of finding German literature, too.
Eugen is a boy's name in German. It's pronounced beginning with the oinking sound "oi" followed by the accented syllable that sounds almost like "GAIN," in English, so "oi-GAIN."
Eugen and his mother live in a rather unusual brick apartment house, with the address: Sackgasse 777 (Blind Alley 777), even though it's the only house on the block.
In this program, we become acquainted with all the residents in this house as well as the Hausmeister (caretaker), who lives on the first floor, and the landlord, who has ambitious plans for the property.
The titles of the 4 episodes are:
1. Jeder gegen Jeden (Everyone Against One Another, or Every Man For Himself)
2. Was gehen mich die anderen an? (What's Everyone Expecting of Me?)
3. Gemeinsam sind wir stark. (Together We're Strong)
4. Wir müssen verhandeln (We've Got to Negotiate)
I'll include the connections here, so you can watch at your leisure. Don't expect to understand every word! Germans can't either, especially when the actors mumble. But I expect you'll understand quite a bit. Report in what you think, or questions you have.
1. Where might we encounter conflict in our daily lives (or in school)?
2. How well do you get along with your neighbors?
3. Imagine a possible confrontational situation in which all of your neighbors would become involved (pets; renovations; construction; industry; permitting; noise...). Select one and involve yourself in the solution.
4. Who are the residents of Sackgasse 777?
5. Would you like to live there?
Fragen zu Folge Zwei
1. ,,Sündenbock" means "scapegoat." Do you know any scapegoats? Why do they even exist (do they serve a purpose)?
2. ,,Vermieter" means "landlord." Do you know any landlords? What kinds of problems might arise between a landlord and a tenant? What demands might a landlord legitimately make on a tenant?
3. Is is automatically unjust when a person in a position of power dictates to others with lesser power (ex: teacher to students; coach to teammatees)?
4. How much is EURO 10,000? Would you have accepted the money that was offered to Eugen's mother, Gitte?
Fragen zu Folge Drei:
1. Can a tenant be spontaneously evicted by the landlord?
2. How might you react to an eviction?
3. Could group action produce a positive outcome? List your suggestions.
Fragen zu Folge Vier
1. Which medien might be particularly useful in such a case?
2. Eugen is hungry, and we watch him prepare himself a supper, while chatting with his mother. Think about this scene for a moment.
• Who usually prepares supper in your home?
• What might you eat in such a situation?
3. Who are your favorite characters? Write about them, ,,auf Deutsch!"
A colleague and textbook author, Michael Miller, recorded himself telling a fairly long, and rather silly, story for review of German 1. Take a listen! You'll find this recording HERE:
Do you understand the entire story? Which phrases are new to you?
Try either to rewrite the story, or to write several questions relating to this story! Also, practice retelling the story yourself. I did. I sure felt silly! But I also felt it was a good exercise. (Thanks Michael!)
In September, our German-American-Partners at NKHS will select their partners from Burgau Academy for our fourth 2-way exchange program! Our German Club has already presented a scholarship to one lucky applicant: CONGRATULATIONS MARGRET!
During the school year, besides communicating with our partners, and getting to know them, and besides working hard to improve our German language skills, we will also plan activities for us all to do together during their 3-week visit in April! (Will we stay overnight in NYC, or will we just plan a day trip? What shall we do in Boston? Providence? Newport? etc.)
We'll also be preparing ourselves for our own 3-week visit with our partners in Germany, which starts at the end of this school year. (Every participant makes a presentation in our partner school -- in German!)
Is there room for another participant or two in this 4th Exchange? Let's talk! This quite simply is the most valuable, most worthy (as well as most affordable -- not much more than the price of an airline ticket) travel program for students that I've ever known.
Some NKHS German students choose to work with, what in German is called, "the cake of life," or gingerbread, and my -- can they be creative! Every single structure, from igloo, to chalet, to lighthouse, to stadium, to barn, to sled, to castle, to shed, is totally unique, absolutely awesome, and simply delicious.
Are there prizes? Our German Club make a big effort to award just about every participant. But these are the three biggest prizes: • Das Gretel Haus (third place); • Das Hänsel Haus (second place); and • Das Meister Knusperhaus (The Champion Gingerbread House).
For inspiration, take a look at a few of our recent favorites:
We always hear raves from everyone who joins us at this annual festival. Those who weren't able to attend always feel like they missed a lot!!
Supper is included. It's pot luck, but the German Club provides lots of the food, too, and there's always plenty. Each German Class receives an assignment about what to bring. Write in, if you'd like suggestions about you might contribute! YES! We can't wait to hear from you, and to welcome you to our annual OKTOBERFEST!
Just like at the original OKTOBERFEST in Munich, you'll feel more like a participant if you are wearing a costume (at least, a crazy hat)! As for entertainment, you might even be asked to participate in a colorful student-organized parade! There's also always a spoof of the royal wedding in Munich between Prince Ludwig and Princess Theresa. After all, that's what launched the world's first-ever Folk Festival.
Also, the German Classes always carefully select and rehearse their skits -- keeping entertainment value in mind. Each year, the guy and girl with the best costumes will be coronated "Herr und Frau OKTOBERFEST"; this pair then reigns during the rest of the evening. And, something we all look forward to each year, is the wonderful Bavarian "Schuhplattler" dancers of Pawtucket, who, besides performing, get us up and dancing, too.
Check out a few scenes from our most recent OKTOBERFESTS! NKHS OKTOBERFEST