Monday, December 31, 2012

Lucas trommelt gern. Was verstehst du hier von Zildjian?

Which of these words do you hear?

Wir haben hier

traditional geblieben
die alte Version
viel klarer
Der Anschlage ist gut hoerbar
schoen spielen
stark zu hoeren
das High Hat
leicht spielen
kein harte Ton

Kinder helfen Kinder: Die Sternsinger

Sternsinger sammeln Spenden Foto: Maurizio Gambarini dpa/lbn


Heiliger Drei-König für einen Tag

Für einen Tag setzen sie eine Krone auf, bringen Gottes Segen in die Häuser und sammeln Geld für einen guten Zweck: Die Sternsinger sind die weltweit größte Hilfsaktion von Kindern für Kinder.
Sara (15) ist schon seit sieben Jahren dabei. "Das macht einfach Spaß, zu den Leuten zu kommen und zu merken, wie sie sich über unseren Besuch freuen", sagt sie. Jakob (6) macht zum ersten Mal mit. "Mit dem Geld, das wir sammeln, können wir einem Kind das Leben retten. Echt!", betont er. Sara und Jakob aus Osnabrück sind zwei von rund 500.000 Kindern, die rund um den Dreikönigstag am 6. Januar als "Sternsinger" in Stadt und Land unterwegs sind.
Verkleidet als "Heilige Drei Könige" gehen sie von Haus zu Haus, um den Segen Gottes für das neue Jahr zu bringen und Geld für Kinder in Not zu sammeln. "20 + C + M + B + 13" schreiben sie dabei an die Türen: "Christus mansionem benedicat - Christus segne dieses Haus". Dass dabei für die fleißigen Könige jede Menge Süßigkeiten abfallen, ist ein angenehmer Nebeneffekt. "Die Leute schenken uns so viel Süßes, dass wir davon noch einen Teil an ein Kinderheim in Osnabrück abgeben", erzählt Miriam (11).
Sternsingerin Luisa Lange schreibt am Sonntag (06.01.2008) den Segenswunsch 20+C+M+B+08 an die Tür eines Hauses in Belm (Landkreis Osnabrück). Auch in diesem Jahr zum Dreikönigsfest ziehen Sternsinger in Verkleidung der Heiligen Drei Könige Caspar, Melchior und Balthasar von Haus zu Haus, singen Lieder oder sagen Gedichte auf und sammeln dabei für karitative Zwecke. Foto: Friso Gentsch dpa/lni +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++Christus segne dieses Haus.
Für wen das Geld ist, das wissen die Kinder ganz genau. Denn jedes Jahr geben das Kindermissionswerk "Die Sternsinger" und der Bund der Deutschen Katholischen Jugend (BdKJ) als gemeinsame Träger der Aktion kindgerecht aufgearbeitetes Material heraus, durch das die Kinder erfahren, wo das Geld bleibt. "Wir haben immer im Dezember ein Vorbereitungstreffen, wo wir einen Film zeigen und den Kindern das Beispielland näher bringen", sagt Marion Gerdes, die als Pastoralreferentin in der Osnabrücker St. Elisabeth-Gemeinde für die Aktion zuständig ist. "Ich bin jedes Mal erstaunt, wie ruhig sie bei dem Film sind und wie beeindruckt von der Situation der Kinder in dem jeweiligen Land."
Diesmal ist Tansania das Beispielland. "In Tansania sprechen sie Kisuaheli", hat Jakob gelernt. "Und statt 'Hallo' sagen sie dort 'Jambo'". Außerdem hat er erfahren, dass es in dem afrikanischen Land viel zu wenig Krankenhäuser, Ärzte und Medikamente gibt. "Deshalb bekommt ein Krankenhaus in Tansania von den Sternsingern einen ganz besonderen Krankenwagen geschenkt - einen Gelände-Krankenwagen." Besonders spannend war, dass im Film Willi Weitzel durch Tansania gereist ist. "Den kenn ich aus dem Ki.Ka. (Kinderkanal von ARD und ZDF), die Sendung 'Willi wills's wissen'  ist cool."
Kinder ziehen als Sternsinger durch verschneite Felder 
(Rechte: dpa)Kinder auf dem symbolischen Weg nach Bethlehem
Solidarität mit armen Kindern seit 1959 
Dass die Sternsinger als Könige verkleidet sind, erinnert an die biblische Geschichte von den Weisen aus dem Morgenland, die dem neugeborenen Jesus Weihrauch, Myrrhe und Gold als Geschenke bringen. So wie diese Könige einst einem Stern folgten, um das Kind in der Krippe zu finden, folgen auch die kleinen Könige von heute einem Stern, den sie vor sich her tragen. In Deutschland wurde diese alte Tradition im Jahr 1959 wiederbelebt. Was klein anfing, ist heute die größte Solidaritätsaktion von Kindern für Kinder weltweit. Viele hundert Millionen Euro wurden gesammelt und zehntausende Projekte und Hilfsprogramme für Kinder in Afrika, Lateinamerika, Asien, Ozeanien und Osteuropa unterstützt. Besonders Bildung, Gesundheit, Ernährung und die Hilfe für Kinder mit Behinderungen stehen dabei immer wieder im Mittelpunkt.
Doch längst sind "Die Sternsinger" mehr als eine einmalige Aktion im Januar. Das Kindermissionswerk bietet ganzjährig Informationen und Materialien für Kindergärten, Schulen und Gemeinden, um Kinder auf weltweite Not aufmerksam zu machen und ihren eigenen Lebensstil zu hinterfragen. Junge Erwachsene haben die Möglichkeit, in einem Freiwilligenprogramm ein Jahr lang in einem der Projekte mitzuarbeiten, und auf der Homepage der Sternsinger gibt es viele Informationen zur Verwendung des Geldes und zur Situation in armen Ländern.
Forderungen an Politiker
Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) trifft am Donnerstag (05.01.2012) Sternsinger im Kanzleramt in Berlin. Sternsinger aus allen 27 deutschen Bistümern haben während ihres traditionellen Besuchs die etwa 500.000 Mädchen und Jungen vertreten, die sich rund um das Dreikönigsfest bundesweit an der 54. Aktion Dreikönigssingen beteiligen. Foto: Hannibal dpa/lbn Sternsinger besuchen jedes Jahr das Kanzleramt
Außerdem tragen die Sternsinger ihre Anliegen in die Politik: Jedes Jahr reist eine Gruppe aus jedem der 27 deutschen katholischen Bistümer nach Berlin, um den Segen Gottes ins Kanzleramt bringen, dort zu singen und Kinderrechte einzufordern. Bei der vergangenen Aktion zeigte sich Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel beeindruckt von der "knackigen Botschaft" des königlichen Besuchs und schwärmte angesichts der glänzenden Gewänder und Sterne von einem "leuchtendem Beispiel" für den Einsatz für andere.
Im Januar 2013 sind wieder Sternsingerinnen und Sternsinger im Bundeskanzleramt - und diesmal ist Sara dabei. Die St. Elisabeth-Gemeinde hat beim Online-Sternsingerquiz mitgemacht und wurde für das Bistum Osnabrück ausgelost. "Das wird bestimmt aufregend", ist die 15-Jährige sicher. Und Paula (17), die ebenfalls mitfährt, ergänzt: "Die Fahrt geht über zwei Tage. Am Donnerstagabend ist Probe und am Freitag dann der Auftritt." Für die Jugendlichen wird das ein spannender Tag und auch ein Stück politische Bildung. Denn Sternsingen ist mehr als Folklore. Es ist praktischer Einsatz für die Rechte der Kinder in aller Welt.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Grimms Märchen: Die zertanzten Schuhe

ARD 2011 zu Weihnachten (Dauer:  etwa 1. Stunde Length: ~ 1 Hour)

Ist der Hofmeister nicht lustig?  

Vielen Dank an Hendrik Thomas, für das Posten.
Schauspieler:  Carlos Ljubek; Inez Bjorg David; Dieter Hallervorden; Andreas Schmidt; Ruth Glöss, Janina Flieger, Luise von Finckh

Warum schreit der König (täglich) so lang und so laut?
Wie viele Töchter hat er?
Wie spricht man zum König?  --  Man sagt:  "Ihr"  (-- familiar, plural)

--Unfortunately at first I uploaded this video a 2nd time, therefore the first 3 comments are geared to this Google video:

Vom Google ZEITGEIST 2012 Video

 Was im Jahr 2012 wurde am meisten "gegoogelt"?

Zusammen haben wir das Jahr durcherlebt.  Welche Themen hast auch Du "gegoogelt"?

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

National Geographic und die Gebrüder Grimm

Märchen = Fairytales
Gebrüder = Brüder = Brothers

What do Brothers have to do with Fairytales?  Certainly you've heard of the Brothers Grimm.  YOU MIGHT FIND THIS SITE INTERESTING!

-- Which of the "Marchen" are familiar to you?  Which are new?

-- Which of the Fairytale endings have you heard before?

-- Which would you like to read in German?! [Hier die Liste von Geschichten auf dieser Seite:] 
The Bremen Town-Musicians (with audio)
Brother and Sister
Cinderella (with audio)
The Frog King (with audio)
Hänsel and Grethel
Little Briar-Rose
Little Red-Cap
Little Snow-White
Mother Holle
The Seven Ravens (with audio)
The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids

Hier:  vom 200. Geburtstag des ersten Grimmbuchs am 19. Dezember 2012, hier vom GOOGLE


Rottkäppchen!   (Wie heißt sie auf Englisch?)

--Und was sagt das Kind ganz am Ende dieses Filmes?  "Das war aber toll?", vielleicht?

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Der Fischer und seine Frau -- FREE iTUNES VideoPodcast

7:32 Minuten lang.
 Die Sendung mit der Maus  vom 6. Dezember 2012 : 

(06.12.2012) Mirja Boes erzählt in einem aufwändigen Trickfilm das Märchen "Der Fischer und seine Frau".  

Ich habe den Trickfilm gesehen und finde ihn völlig in Ordnung.  (Sie will ein Haus!  Sie will ein Königsreiche!   Sie will Papst werden!)

Wer wird auch den Podcast heraufladen und anschauen?

Viel Spass dabei!


Sommer Reisen, und Globale Fuehrung (Global Leadership)

Heute gab es folgendes in der Post:  Interessiert ihr euch dafuer?   Lest weiter!
December 19, 2012

Dear Ruthann,
How will your students make the most of their summer?
We’re excited to announce that beginning in summer 2013, CIEE will offer a summer academy for high school students focused on leadership, service, and cultural exchange. Students will have the chance to spend their summer developing leadership skills and participating in meaningful service activities while discovering a new culture, language, and country.
Drawing on 65 years of experience delivering high-quality, rigorous academic programs, CIEE will offer highly motivated students the opportunity to develop leadership skills while learning and serving in one of eight countries:

Amman, Jordan
Dakar, Senegal
Legon, Ghana
Nanjing, China
Prague, Czech Republic
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Seville, Spain
Tokyo, Japan

To promote the launch of the new Leadership Academy, CIEE has established a scholarship for exemplary students to fund tuition costs. These scholarships further CIEE’s ongoing commitment to improving access to high-quality international exchange programs. More information about scholarship opportunities will be available in January 2013.

Visit our website for more details about CIEE, our programs, and how to help your students take the first steps toward an unforgettable summer. Winter break is a great time for students and families to start planning, so please share this information with any students that may be interested in this extraordinary experience.

We look forward to working with you and thank you for your continued commitment to international education!

Kind regards,
Christina McAnuff
Director:  Leadership Academy at CIEE
CIEE: Council on International Educational Exchange
300 Fore Street Portland, ME 04101 1.800.448.9944

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Der 209 Weihnachtsbaum

Danke, Nanci!

Heute sangen wir zu unseren Geburtstagskinder, als wir um den Baum herumgingen.  Auch machten wir Knicks,  wir bogen uns, und wir drehten uns auch herum, wie im Text.  Aber der Text habe ich nur kurz aus dem Daenischen umgedichtet.  Hat jemand einen besseren Text fuer naechstes Jahr?

Walze, walze, Wollen garn; rolle nun fuer uns herum!
Fuer (Name)  sollen wir knicksen; fuer  (Name) sollen wir uns biegen,
fuer (Name) drehen wir uns herum.

Die 1. Klaessler sangen "Die 12 Weihnachtstage" heute in der Klasse, und dann zum Schluss, und unterwegs zum Media Zentrum (um uns die Knusperhaeuser zu bewundern) sangen wir auch "Lasst uns froh und munter sein".  Es macht mir eine grosse Freude, wenn wir in der Unterrichtszeit so viel Spass beim Singen haben koennen!

Knusperhaeuser 2012

Hallo Freunde!

Die Ergebnisse (results) fuer den 8. NKHS Knusperhaus Wettbewerb (Kontest) sind entschieden.  Hier folgt die Preisgewinner dieses Jahr:

Zuerst (im Dritten Platz) die Gretel Preizgewinnerinnen sind:  Julia M. und Lauren K. mit ihrem eigenen Haus fuer ihre 3.-4. Deutschklasse!

Der Gewinner des Haenselpreises is Caleb A, mit seinem tollen und bunten (und auch beleuchteten) Leuchtturm, seinem Kapitaen in voller Oelhaut, und Meeresfauna.

Der Meisterpreis gehoert diese Jahr zu diesen sehr organizierten Maedels, Alli L., Catherina L., Niki P., und Brigitte W.  Sie bauten nicht nur aus Lebkuchen, sondern auch aus Schokolade.  Draussen schmueckten ein ganz grosses und vielseitiges Lebkuchenhaus fuer den Sieben Zwergen. Drinnen, gibt es 7 kleine Betten, einen grossen Tisch, einen Flur, einen Teddybaer, einen Blumenstrauss, und mehr, alles aus Schokolade.  Sogar der Briefkasten ist aus Schokolade. 

Super Kontest!  Herzlichen Dank an alle Teilnehmer.

Monday, December 17, 2012

3x Grammatik Videos mit Herrn Schwab

Wiederholen wir!    (Lernen wir!)

1.  Past Tense

2.  Prepositions: 

3.  Two-way Prepositions

Was findest du hier am Besten?

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Euro crisis turns German-speaking Italians against Rome

Largely German-speaking South Tyrol has been part of Italy since the end of World War I
In the vineyards of South Tyrol's Alpine valleys, the grape harvest is under way.
Alois Lageder's family have made wine here for five generations, but when some of the vines were planted, this region was part of Austria. And most people here speak German, even though it has been part of Italy since the end of World War I.

Mr Lageder says the mix of cultures is an asset.  "We are Austrians, we were Austrians 100 years ago and so we have the Austrian culture, but also the Austrian or German mentality and approach to work," he said.
Alios Lageder  
Local wine maker Alois Lageder believes South Tyrol's people are Austrians at heart
"But I think we are lucky because living here in the middle between north and south, we are not too strong or too straight. I think this is our big advantage, that we understand the Italian mentality but we understand the mentality of our big markets like Austria and Germany and Switzerland."
South Tyrol is Italy's richest province, a largely German-speaking part of the country that has autonomous status. Its Italian name is Alto Adige.

But now the euro crisis means the Italian government wants to cash in. It is asking the regional government here to pay more, fuelling resentment of Rome and raising the spectre of separatism.

Tensions German speakers are the local majority in South Tyrol - but native Italian speakers live here too. Relations between the two groups have not always been easy.
South Tyrol map
The journalist and author Lucio Giudiceandrea says before the region was granted autonomy in the 1970s, tensions sometimes ran to violence. "Germans and Italians lived for many years in conflict with each other because South Tyrol was annexed to Italy at the end of World War I against the will of the local German-speaking population. The Italians were sent here as colonisers and there is a longstanding hostility between the groups," he said. "The autonomy system [set up in the 1970s] gave us the chance to live side by side, but with no great contacts."

Over the years, tensions have eased. Being bilingual is now an accepted fact of life; members of Italy's national police, the Carabinieri, are regularly sent to brush up their German at the Alpha Beta Piccadilly language school in Bolzano.

But these days, Italy's financial problems are reawakening old resentments.

Tax gripes Walking through the affluent streets of Bolzano, with its quaint Tyrolean architecture, it is easy to come away with the impression that South Tyrol is remarkably untouched by the euro crisis.
Unemployment is low and business is thriving. But, as in other wealthy parts of Europe, many German speakers here resent having to bail out southern Italians - whom they see as spendthrift and profligate.
Elmar Thaler, Federation, Historic South Tyrolean Riflemen: 'People are asking why we should have to pay for Italy. We are not actually Italians anyway. '  Up to now, 90% of taxes paid here stayed here. 

But the government in Rome needs cash, and wants more money from South Tyrol. Siegfried Brugger, an MP from the governing South Tyrolean Peoples' party, says that goes against their autonomy agreement. But he says they are willing to negotiate. "We have a lot of problems because we have to give a lot of money to Rome," he said. "But we want to decide ourselves how and where to save and for us it is very important to collaborate with Italy and not to give money without a guarantee."
And some people want to leave Italy altogether. The 500-year-old group, the Südtiroler Schützenbund (the Federation of Historic South Tyrolean Riflemen), has long campaigned for reunification with North Tyrol, which is part of Austria.

Separatism calls In April, the group organised a protest in Bolzano demanding freedom from Rome. It was attended by around 5,000 men and women in lederhosen and traditional dress. The Schützen's leader, Elmar Thaler, says the worse things get economically, the better it is for their cause.
Elmar Thaler  
Elmar Thaler says South Tyrol should separate completely from Rome. 
"People are asking why should we have to pay for Italy?" he asked. "We aren't actually Italian anyway. In this way, the crisis has made many people aware that they haven't got anything to do with Italy."

This is a minority view. Separatism is not the hot political issue that it is in the Spanish province of Catalonia, and the Schuetzen say they are not linked to other Italian separatist movements, like the Northern League.But Siegfried Brugger says many politicians in South Tyrol are watching developments in places like the Basque Country and Scotland very closely.

Lucio Giudiceandrea says the region is at a turning point. "The situation in Italy and all over Europe is no longer certain and the money is no longer freely available," he said.  "I think we have to learn to live with the other group and to see each other not as rivals but as friends. If we don't, for sure we will fall into conflicts. And of course this situation depends only on us."

On a sunny day in Bolzano, the cafes do a roaring trade in cappuccino, as a street musician in a Tyrolean hat with a feather plays that most Austrian of tunes, the Blue Danube. The financial crisis is testing Europe's historic fault-lines.

Das Sams

Eine Woche voller Samstage

Der Film ist wirklich so lustig wie das Buch!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Neues Musikal in Berlin: Frederich der Große

Mit Tobias Bieri aus der Schweiz, als Frederick.  Hier singt er von deinem Traum:  Schloß (castle) Sanssouci.

Findet ihr auch das Lied schön?

Ein frohest Chanukka Fest!

 Hier in Yiddisch und Englisch gesungen, aber wie ähnlich ist Yiddisch mit Deutsch!?

"lo mir"  = "lassen wir"... (let us) 

Happy Hannuka!

Songtext, dank Kollegin, Susie Sommovilla   (Bold text = German cognates)
A yontev a sheyner  Oh Hanukkah, oh Hanukkah, A holiday, a nice one,
A lustiger a freylicher  A happy one, a joyous one
Nito noch azoyner  Not another like it.
Ale nacht in dreydl shpiln mir    Every night we play dreidl
Zudig heyse latkes esn mir   we eat boiling hot latkes.
Geshvinder tsindt kinder    Quickly the children light
Di dininke lichtelech on  The dimming candles
Zogt "al ha-nisim," loybt G-t far di nisim   Say-O, the miracles-praise G-d for the miracles
Un kumt gicher tantsn in kon    And come dance with laughter in a circle.

-- Chanukka wird auch am Brandenburger Tor in Berlin gefeiert!

Wiehnachten in zwei Deutschen Bahnhöfen

In Köln (Dank der Erste Kanal- ARD):

In Frankfurt (Dank der Deutsche Bahn):


Saturday, December 8, 2012

I [heart] HAMBURG Vancouverite posts...

Hamburg, Germany – Top 10 reasons I love living here

   60  51
Despite my fear of heights I climbed around 500 steps up to the top of St. Petri's Church and it was worth it to get this gorgeous view of this beautiful city!
Posted by:
Kristi Fuoco

Recent Posts From This Author

How do I love thee Hamburg? Let me count the ways! ....
1. Put on your walking shoes and your cycling pants. Walking and biking are such a huge part of the culture here that you have a sort of daily built in exercise system. I love that Europe is set up so much better for transit and walking and cycling in general. I mean, sometimes I get a little annoyed by the endless number of cyclists that almost run me down on a daily basis, but hey, they’re out there biking, they’re doing it! I applaude you! But really….I know you’re sophisticated and European and all, but shouldn’t you be wearing a helmet? Just a suggestion.
Bike lovers of the world unite here in Hamburg - plus it's ALL flat, unlike Vancouver!
Bike lovers of the world unite here in Hamburg – plus it’s ALL flat, unlike Vancouver!

2. Just add water! There is something about living next to water that makes your quality of life that much better. Maybe it’s the idea of freedom on the horizon? The possibility of jumping on a ship away if you need to? I’m not sure, but all I know is that this one is a life saver for me. Really. Whenever I am stressed out I just find one of Hamburg’s many bodies of water and we spend some quality time together. I’m lucky enough to live near Hamburg’s Stadpark and there is a lovely little lake in the middle that makes for perfect reflecting time, pun intended. They say that Hamburg has more canals and bridges than Amsterdam and Venice put together. Crazy, eh? You can also take one of the ferry lines as part of the transit system, so sometimes I just hop on, look at the view and relax. Maybe it’s the island girl or west coast girl in me coming out, but there is something about being on a ferry that feels like home....
 Hamburg, Germany   Top 10 reasons I love living here
One of the many beautiful spots along a canal.

3. Get your spray cans out. Graffiti and street art here in Hamburg provide me with little daily surprises. I had heard stories of the great graffiti and street art in Germany before even coming here and I’m happy to say that I haven’t been disappointed at all. I also know that Berlin has amazing graffiti, but Hamburg does not in any way fail to deliver in this department. I try to photograph it as much as possible since so much of it gets painted over or cleaned up so quickly, but so much of the great graffiti is along the train lines, making it much harder to get shots of sadly (but much more appealing to graffiti aritst who want to show off their work.) You can look forward to a whole blog post about this later, with some of my favourite shots. I have also had the chance to learn a bit more about this whole sub-culture and it fascinates me. I can’t understand why graffiti is illegal really, but if it were legal would it be as cool? Hard to say….
 Hamburg, Germany   Top 10 reasons I love living here
Nothin’ like a little “I heart Hamburg” graffiti.

4. Boredom is completely impossible. Expect the unexpected. I don’t think I’ve ever heard a Hamburg resident say to me, “I’m bored. I have no idea what do to.” Or “That was a boring night out.” On the other hand I have heard, “There is SO much to do that I’m completely overwhelmed. I have no idea how to decide.” From gypsy techno remix nights, to opera, to street festivals, community runs and an always bustling clubbing scene, Hamburg has something for everyone – seriously (just ask my cousin about the hard core chess scene here!) And hey, if you don’t feel like an event just walk around a corner and you’ll discover some funky cafe that you had never noticed before, or some cool neighbourhood, or some beautiful park. And the great thing is, that you don’t even have to be in a European mood – try the new New York burger joint, the bowling alley, a Hollywood movie in English (though sadly the English movie theatre, Streits, is closing down in March!) You just never know where your night may lead, trust me.
On a typical crazy night out in Hamburg at one point we ended up at an art gallery in the middle of the night, walking on this glass floor in our socked feet. You just never know what might happen in Hamburg...
On a typical crazy night out in Hamburg at one point we ended up at an art gallery in the middle of the night, walking on this glass floor in our socked feet. You just never know what might happen in Hamburg…

5. He’s got the whole world -in his Hamburg. This has been one of the biggest and best surprises and comforts for me since arriving here. I had no idea what a vibrant international scene this city had and how many wonderful friends I would make from all over the place. There is a deeply entrenched Hamburg community of quiet and reserved Germans who are difficult to get to know. I am sure once you get to know them, they are wonderful, but getting to that point is no easy feat. So, being able to make friends with people from all around the world or even just outsiders who have moved to Hamburg from other parts of Germany is not only fascinating and fun, but a necessity if you want to have friends…which most of us do. I love that on a daily basis I interact with people from places such as the UK, Australia, Spain, Germany, Turkey, Afghanistan, Poland, the US, New Zealand, France and so many more places. And I also love that I have a few Canadian friends here now that I can always turn to when I want someone to completely understand where I’m coming from and or someone who understands the word “toque” and what a “double-double” is.
In the summer I participated in the Hamburg Women's run and I think I heard every European language throughout the race. I love being surrounded by this international feeling all the time. Bonus points if you can spot me in the crowd!
In the summer I participated in the Hamburg Women’s run and I think I heard every European language throughout the race. I love being surrounded by this international feeling all the time. Bonus points if you can spot me in the crowd! (Photo by Catherine Lambert)

6. Take the train! So, I fortunately come from a city with a decent transit system, but one thing I absolutately love about Hamburg is the fact that trains run all night on the weekends. Seriously Vancouver, what is up with all the trains finishing at 1:30am or 2:00am on a weekend? That one boggles my mind. You can easily live in Hamburg car-free and if you want to drive anywhere you can sign up for Car2Go and easily hop in a little Smart car for any car-related tasks or needs. Also, if you buy a monthly or yearly transit pass you can take the bus, trains and ferries and on the weekends you can even hop on the regional trains, take along a passenger for free and travel to nearby towns like Lüneburg and Ratzeburg. Warning – even though Hamburg has no machines to scan your tickets, you should aways buy one. I’ve had two friends recently get caught for not having the right transit passes – don’t take a chance of having to pay a €40 fine because playing the dumb “I speak no German” tourist sadly does not always work very well in this land of “well I speak perfect English and I’m guessing you’re not really a tourist.”
Hamburg's Dammtor train station is my favourite - beautiful and always less crowded than the central station.
Hamburg’s Dammtor train station is my favourite – beautiful and always less crowded than the central station.

7. No safety vest needed! Sometimes I feel like I could walk around at 3:00am by myself and never have a care in the world. Oh wait, I do that already here. Okay, as in any big city, you need to be cautious, particularly in certain parts of Hamburg late at night, but honestly, there aren’t really any “bad” areas of Hamburg, at least not in comparison to most big cities I know back home or in North America. I never thought that living in a European city would be safer than a Canadian one, but it sure is! People even leave their ground floor apartment blinds wide open here, revealing fancy computers and audio equipment for all to see. I mean, I’m even tempted to steal those bad boys. Sure, there is some crime here like in any city, but overall it seems the police have way too much time on their hands hence why you see them all on the Reeperbahn “policing” on the weekends.
The police looking a little bored at the anti-Nazi protests this spring.
The police looking a little bored at the anti-Nazi protests this spring.

8. Nobody parties like my Hamburg. Yah, yah, I know all those Berliners would say that nobody parties like Berlin, but I have yet to experience the Berlin party scene so I can’t make a judgement call there yet. One of the great things about partying in Hamburg is that you could actually have a wild and crazy night out and pay next to nothing....Hamburg is a seriously great city to party it. ... The thing is, you never know where your night could go, what kind of crazy party you might find and who you could meet. It’s always an adventure, and always a crazy good time.
How it feels about mid-way through the night...
How it feels about mid-way through the night…

9. Get funky! Oh if I only had a million dollars (that’s right Barenaked Ladies) I would go to every concert here that I could. I love that not only do so many big bands come through Hamburg, but also tons of great indie bands. In fact, music is one of the reasons I decided to come here. Sadly it’s hard to have the time and money for all these shows, and it takes time to get to know a new music scene and all the venues, but there is an endless supply and I’m happy to say, many great Canadian indie bands come through here too. I’ll be seeing Dan Mangan in Hamburg for the second time next month! Crazy, eh? I can’t wait to keep on discovering this funky music scene.
You don't always need money to see great music in Hamburg. This summer at the Duckstein Festival bands performed outside the Alster every night and entry was free!
You don’t always need money to see great music in Hamburg. This summer at the Duckstein Festival bands performed outside the Alster every night and entry was free!

10, You are so beautiful…to me. Hamburgers (yes, people from Hamburg are indeed called Hamburgers) call this the most beautiful city in Germany, or sometimes, the world. I have to say that I think Vancouver has Hamburg beat in terms of pure physical beauty (how can you beat mountains AND ocean really?) but there is a beauty in Hamburg that goes deeper than just the physical. It’s a magical city. Sounds cheesy, I know, but there is something about it. No matter how tough living in Germany can be, Hamburg always finds a way to cheer me up and make me feel better. Sometimes all I have to do is go downtown, sit by the water and see the reflection of the city lights on the Alster at night and I am good to go. There is a lovely mixture of the old and the new. Hamburg has been almost completely re-built since it was bombed in WWII, but you can’t really tell at all. It still has that old European feeling to it. Whether it’s the water, the buildings, the layout….I don’t know, but it really is one of my favourite cities in the world.
Sitting on the beach in Blankenese in the summertime. True Hamburg perfection.
Sitting on the beach in Blankenese in the summertime. True Hamburg perfection.
Hamburg, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

Dual Degree Program Rollins College - FL

New dual degree program

Please allow me to let your students know of a new program my college has just passed for which it will be accepting its first class this summer/fall. Rollins is offering a dual degree program in
International Business with the Universität in Reutlingen. That means that in four years students can earn two bachelor's degrees -- a BA in international business from Rollins and a BS in international management from Reutlingen. Students spend the first four semesters at Rollins before transferring for their 5th through 7th semesters in Reutlingen. The capstone semester (number 8) is spent back on the Rollins campus. They undertake an international, full-time, semester-long internship in their sixth semester.

We are also negotiating with Middlebury College in Vermont to offer a 4-credit immersive intensive prematriculation option to study German at whatever level they currently fall this summer before their studies begin.

While we know that URI also offers a similar dual degree program in International Business, with a partner campus in Hamburg (alongside the world-famous engineering program, based in Braunschweig), we hope that this new opportunity may pique their curiosity, and tempt them into checking us out.  For more information you can contact Rollins:


The application deadline early decision for the fall semester is January 15.
The deadline for regular decision is February 15.

Nancy M. Decker
Associate Professor of German • Department Chair • Department of Modern Languages & Literatures
Rollins College • 1000 Holt Ave., Box 2752  •  Winter Park, FL 32789
FAX 407-646-2264  • Tel 407-646-2410

"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If
you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart."         Nelson

German National Exam Übungen


The audio at the beginning explains the answers to 3- 4 questions.

The links shown at the bottom lead to real questions/answers.

Herr Schwabs AATG National Exam Wortschatz Probe ("Start now")

1. PROBE   Stufe 4  Wortschatz (2008)

2. PROBE   Stufe 3 Wortschatz

3. PROBE    Stufe 3 Wortschatz  (2009)

4. PROBE    Stufe 4 Wortschatz

5. PROBE   Stufe 3 Wortschatz  (2010)

6. PROBE   Stufe 4 Wortschatz

7. PROBE   Stufe 3 Wortschatz (2011)

8. PROBE   Stufe 4 Wortschatz  (2011)

Auch von Herrn Schwab zum Thema Umweltschutz hören wir jetzt hier unten zu:

ZUHÖREN HIER!      (Klick an jedes Gesicht um sie zuzuhören!)

Welche Probe hat dir am meisten geholfen?

Monday, December 3, 2012

Frosty der Schneemann, v. Goetz Alsmann

Wortschatz:  Wie viel kennst du schon?   (How many do you already know?)

der Gesell -- the fellow
das Auge -- the eye
die Kohle -- the coal
die Moehre -- the carrot
der Kartoffel -- the potato
der Knopf -- the button
der Schnee -- the snow
die Figur -- the figure
der Keller -- the cellar
der Wunder -- the miracle
das Rathaus -- the town hall
der Platz -- the place
der Schreck -- the fright
das Glueck -- the good luck

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Santa spricht Deutsch

 Werbung von Rosetta Stone:

Lustige Werbung!  

1.  ,,Ich kann dich nicht verstehen."
2.  ,,O sprichst du nur Deutsch?"  
3.  ,,Was bringst du dir dieses Jahr?" 

(Er sollte so was sagen:  ,,Was wünschst du dir dieses Jahr?"  aber so klingt es nicht.)

Können wir das Kind verstehen? 
Können wir Santa verstehen?

Pannen bei der Nachrichten

 Alles ist nicht perfekt.

Wie oft sagt sie ,,Entschuldigung"?  (How often does she say "Excuse me?")

Und bei dem Tageschau:

Schuhplatten -- Deutsche Volkstanzen

German Folk Dancing:

Leider (unfortunately)  kam nur ein Alpenblumen Schuhplattler aus Pawtucket dieses Jahr, als wir KARNEVAL feierten.  Er und auch zwei andere Hauptplattler bleiben lahm (He, and two other of their troup's main dancers, are lame), und können nicht mehr tanzen.   Schade!  (Too bad!) 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Welche Märchen sind am beliebtesten?

 15 Top Märchen

15. Tischlein, deck dich!
14.  Dornröschen  (Sleeping Beauty)
13.  Brüderchen und Schwesterchen
12.  Hänsel und Gretl
11.  Meisterdieb
10.  Rumpelstilzchen
  9.  Die kluge Bauerntochter (The Clever Farmer's Daughter)
  8.  König Drosselbart
  7.  Aschenputtel   (Cinderella)
  6.  Der gestiefelte Kater  (Puss in Boots)
  5.  Frau Holle
  4.  Schneewitchen (Snow White)
  3.  Rapunzel
  2.  Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot
  1.  Jorinda und Joringel

Wickford zu Weihnachten...

 Schönes Dorf, Wickford.

Habt ihr (früher) mitgemacht?
Kennt ihr diese Nachbaren?

Neue Filme aus Deutshland

From the Zeitgeist NW Film Festival come these films, among others.  
      --   Does any seem worth investing in (for instance, to show at German Club)?


This charming, funny, and visually resplendent romantic comedy by one of Germany’s most inventive young directors uses as its guiding principle an old Kazakh proverb that says: “Whatever falls from heaven, you may keep.” For the inhabitants of a small Kazakh village, especially the youthful Iskander, living just downwind from the Baikonur Cosmodrome means that what “falls from heaven” is actually valuable space debris from the Russian rockets launched there. Nicknamed “Gagarin” after the Soviet space pioneer, Iskander uses his radio expertise to follow launches and calculate where to find the cast-off space metals that provide his village with its livelihood. After seeing a photo of the young Frenchwoman Julie, due to become the latest space tourist, he is smitten. When something goes wrong and Julie plunges to earth in a capsule, Iskander is there to rescue her before the authorities do.  And she has amnesia… (95 mins.) In Russian, French, and English.



Mark Twain’s timeless adventure tale of two boys, Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, in conflict with the adult world is given a faithful, refreshing revitalization. Filmed in Germany and Romania, young actors Louis Hofmann and Leon Seidel put a delightful spin on this distinctively German vision of a classic American story. Nominated for a German Film Award for Best Children’s Film. “Outstanding cast, funny and dynamic.”—Cinema. (110 mins.)
                                 Recommended for ages 8 and up.

A very traditional German school in 1874 decides to employ a new teacher of English in order to ensure that some fresh ideas about culture and life are imparted to the students. The teacher, played by Daniel Brühl, turns out to be more radical than envisioned by the principal (played by Burghart Klaussner), as he teaches English culture by getting them all to play football. In turn, despite the excitement experienced by the students, the parents and local community are not so impressed. Reminiscent of the film Dead Poets Society, this stirring historical drama about the impact a teacher can have on students is a compelling story with some notable messages about tradition and change. Nominated for three German Film Awards. (113 mins.) Recommended for ages 10 and up.



Grumpy taxi driver Hartmut Mackowiak is crushed by the news that his wife of 30 years is leaving him. He is forced to reorganize his life, becoming even more of a loner. That is, until the day he has the six-year-old Hayat and her mother as passengers in his taxi. This is the beginning of a series of events that leave him looking after Hayat, who, unable to speak any German, is now looking for her mother who has apparently disappeared. Inevitably, Hartmut initially resists helping her, but Hayat’s stubbornness leaves him no   alternative but to assist in her search. Little does he realize that perhaps he is on the way to learning to love life. An endearing, feel-good comedy-drama, THREE QUARTER MOON proves, without moralizing or sentimentality, that change is possible no matter what phase of life one is in. (91 mins.)



What would you do if you had the chance to relive part of your life? That is the premise of this intriguing mystery drama starring Nina Hoss as a woman who experiences something very unusual. While traveling with her partner in Finland, Juliane awakens one morning to find herself back in Berlin. She has traveled back six months in time and experiences again the events leading up to a tragic situation and a major change in her life. A film that keeps you guessing as it twists and turns to a startling conclusion. (96 mins.)



 East Germany, 1980: A doctor is exiled to a country hospital as punishment for applying for an exit visa. As her lover from the West carefully plots her escape, Barbara (Nina Hoss) waits patiently and avoids friendships. She works as a pediatric surgeon under her new boss André, and while she is caring towards her patients—a young girl in particular—Barbara keeps a distance from her colleagues. She is constantly monitored by the state’s security apparatus and is the subject of repeated humiliations. Barbara looks forward to her future and to her freedom, but André and a traumatized young patient slowly chip away at her defenses, and she starts to lose control. A subtle and precise look at the complex personal costs of life in a paranoid and repressive state. Winner of the Best Director Award at the Berlin Film Festival and recipient of seven German Film Award nominations. (105 mins.)

TRAILER:  Spielt noch nicht....