Sunday, February 13, 2011

MEHR: PODOLSKI! Hier spielt er. . .

Ja, Lukas hat auch bei Olli Erfolg gehabt.
(Yup, - - - - - also - - -KAHN--success had.)

--> Ich will wissen wer früher bei Deutsch-Heute über Podolski kommentiert, die eine Tante in Köln oder Baden-Württenberg hat, und hier bei uns die lange Nummer 3e4a415c-33fb-11e0-8bf3-000bcdcb471e als Identität hat.
(I'm fishing for the identity of the person who commented earlier using that long number!)


  1. I don't know if you are talking about me, (Lauren Krueger) but I have an aunt in Cologne and I commented on all of the Podolski things :) My dad is going to see him April 3!

  2. Looking at my post now... I see that number was posted as my name... I don't know why. Sorry
    -Lauren Krueger

  3. PODOLSKI!!!!!!!!!!! he needs to come to Bayern Munchen.

  4. This guy is absolutely amazing. I do have to say that the goalie was kind of weird because he came really far out of the net and gave Podolski a really great chance to score...which he did.

  5. I'm not really a soccer fan but that guy has some amazing talent.

  6. This guy is really good at soccer. Go PODOLSKI.
