Saturday, March 22, 2014

Try @JabbaGerman

Something helpful from the UK!

Jabba German

Jabba German


Learn German with daily German words, exercises and fun Twitter games to keep your learning ticking over ;-)
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I like today's Word of the Day:  
der Freundeskreis
circle of friends
Mein Sohn hat einen sehr großen Freundeskreis.
My son has a large circle of friends.

Here's part of their blurb about that:  Learn a new word every day!
Sometimes we're flooded with so much information that we don't have time to absorb it all.
Word of the Day gives you 24 hours to meditate on a single word.
Read it, hear it, see a sample sentence, and grow your vocabulary - one word at a time.
Also, here's a sample of a blog article you might link to (if the topic interests you, they provide the link)

JabbaLab language blog

Thu, May 10th 2012

German Masculine Nouns

Posted in: German Grammar

German Masculine Nouns

Should I use der, die or das? This is one of the first questions that you will ask when learning German. The first thing you need to understand is that it is not related to the perceived gender of the noun it is attached to. Here are a couple of quick examples:
  • der Rock – the skirt
  • die Hose – the trousers
As you can see, traditionally a skirt is worn by women so your first instinct would be that it is a female item and therefore would use die. Also, trousers are associated more with men and therefore you would normally perceive the gender as male and use the der article. As you can see from the above two examples these are the opposite to what you would expect. Therefore it is important to get the idea out of your mind straight away that the articles der, die or das have anything to do with the noun itself, rather it is to do with the word.
As a general rule, you should learn the correct der, die or das article by heart with each noun as you learn them. That means when learning a word, learn the article too and test yourself on the noun including the article. If you get the article wrong then re-learn it until you get it right. However there are a few general rules you can learn to help you in those situations where you don’t know whether to use der, die or das.
The good news is: There are guidelines which will make it easier to choose between them. In this post we will be looking at the guidlines for der words :-)

Guidlines for Masculine Nouns

1. People/Animals
All nouns which refer to a male person or animal are der words. Here is a list of the most common ones:
der Mann man
der Vater father
der Junge boy
der Opa grandad
der Onkel uncle
der Stier bull
der Eber boar
der Hengst stallion
2. Male Occupations
Job titles which refer to a male person are der words. Here are some examples:
der Lehrer teacher
der Bäcker baker
der Fotograf photographer
der Polizist policeman
der Rechtsanwalt lawyer
der Zahnarzt dentist
der Soldat soldier
der Priester priest
3. Days, Months, Seasons and Points of the Compass
There are some groups of words that are also mostly der words such as days, months, seasons, points of the compass. Here are some examples:
der Sommer summer
der Frühling spring
der Montag Monday
der Samstag Saturday
der Juni June
der Oktober October
der Westen west
der Süden south
There are however few exceptions. For example: das Jahr – year, die Woche – week etc
4. Chemical Elements, Minerals and Stones
There are some groups of words that are also mostly der words such as chemical elements, minerals and stones. Here are some examples:
der Sauerstoff oxygen
der Kohlenstoff carbonate
der Wasserstoff hydrogen
der Diamant diamond
der Smaragd emerald
der Rubin ruby
der Rosenquarz rosy quartz
der Bernstein amber
There are however few exceptions. For example: das Kalzium – Calcium, die Kohle – coal etc.
5. Certain Endings
Nouns that end in the following are always der nouns:
  • ismus
  • ner
  • ich
  • ling
  • ig
Here are some examples:
der Egoismus egoism
der Rentner pensioner
der Gärtner gardener
der Stich sting
der Wellensittich budgerigar
der Feigling coward
der Essig vinegar
der Pfennig penny
The nouns that end in the following are also usually der nouns:
  • er
  • ist
Here are some examples:
der Keller cellar
der Teller plate
der Bauer farmer
der Fernseher TV
der Polizist policeman
der Pianist pianist
der Atheist atheist
der Optimist optimist



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