Saturday, December 11, 2010

Weihnachtsschmück aus dem Erzgebirge in Sachsen

Christmas decorations from the Ore Mountains in Saxony

Alles handgemacht!


--> Did you catch which Smoker (Räucher) was the best-seller this year?

--> Any idea why it was so popular?

--> Would it help to know that it has something to do with OSTALGIE, or the nostalgia that some Germans today have for the way of life and the product brands which disappeared with German unification in 1990?


  1. Meine Familie hat drei oder vier Rauchern. Eines ist ein Briefträger, der andere ist ein Jäger. Ich bin nicht sicher, was der andere Rauchern sind, aber ich weiß wir haben sie. Wir zünden sie jedes Jahr zu Weihnachten, und nach dem Lesen über sie, ich will mehr kaufen!

  2. I have a bunch of the santas that smoke pipes. I LOVE them they're soo cute and each one is different in its own little way.

  3. Is that christmas tree in the last picture mad e out of wood and wood shaving things for branches? That looks so cool.

  4. I remember learning about the Christmas festivals last year and after reading this article, I feel I can semise that Germany takes a lot of pride in its craftsmanship; especially around the holidays.

  5. Dieser Weihnachtsschmuck sind sehr genau. Es muss sehr Stunde ein Weihnactsschmuck mache

  6. my grandma is from germany and she has tons of dolls and figures like these. They are so cool but she won't let me use them. :( They are so crafty there i wish we had things like this in America.

  7. Learning about the christmas festivals was really cool. I really want to go to one of them in Germany. These are wicked cool and I wish I had one.

  8. Diesen Raeucher sind so Populaer weil sie Deutschen Leute ueber Einheit verinnen. Sie macht Weinachts sehr besser!

  9. We have a ton of smokers and nut crakers at our house. We also have those trees and the thing that spins when you light its candle... Those trees are so so fragile though, but they're really beautiful too.
