Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ludwig van Beethoven's Für Elise

Spielst du Klavier? So auch spielt Valentina Lisitsa. (She apparently just busted out an amazing Rachmaninoff Prelude --very difficult piece -- and then came back with this fairly easy number, which had the audience chuckling at the beginning.)

Und jetzt bist DU dran! Dann kannst du auch dieses Lied üben.

Danke, Andrew Furmanczyk!


  1. Valentina Lisitsa hat sehr schoen gespielt. I will Klavier speilen aber ich speile die Violine.

  2. Ich möchte die Videos. ICH auch, dass die Klavier.

  3. Ich denke die Film mit einer Jungen und das Klavier.

  4. shes really into it the first video its kind of scary looking

  5. i kinda liked it. I didn't like the song though.

  6. I really like it. I really like this genre of music. I seems that this song is really easy to learn...after a couple of years of starting learning to play piano. If you noticed that her forearms...with every movement of her fingers that her forearms became ripped! (really muscular) I wonder why pianists move their upper body like that...probably to get into the music and flow with the piano and the music.

  7. Fur Elise is such a pretty song, along with most of Beethoven's music. I wish I could play the piano!!

  8. It seems like Frau is enjoying the piano and classical music currently with the last post about all those kids and this one about three videos.

  9. Ich liebe Musik! Ich bin glucklich mit meine Flote. Ich denke Klavier ist wirklich schwer zu lernen. Wer in klasse spielt Klavier gern? Fur Elise ist ein wirklich schone lied.
