Thursday, January 31, 2013
AlexiBexi wieder: Airplanes v. Hayley Williams
Können wir so tun, als wären die Flugzeuge am dunklen Himmel die Sternschnuppen?
Ich hätte gern' 'nen Wunsch jetzt frei,
Wunsch jetzt frei, Wunsch jetzt frei.
Können wir so tun, als wären die Flugzeuge am dunklen Himmel die Sternschnuppen?
Ich hätte gern' 'nen Wunsch jetzt frei,
Wunsch jetzt frei, Wunsch jetzt frei.
Yeah, ich könnte gut 'n Traum, 'ne Giny oder Wunsch gebrauchen, um an einen andern Ort als diesen hier direkt zu laufen! Denn nach all dem Party machen und all den Zerschmetternden, all dem Glitter, Glamour und den großen Modegrafen, und all dem Chaos und dem Idiotismus, kommt die große Zeit, in der du in das Dunkle rein musst. Und wenn du auf dein Telefon in deinem Schoß starrst, und du hoffst, dass die Leute zurück rufen, wenn man's rafft.
Aber so nimmt das Schicksal seinen Lauf, man reicht dir die Hand, also gib nicht auf! Wenn deine Träume nun endlich klarer werden,
was würdest du tun, dürftest du 'nen Wunsch loswerden?
Also, Flugzeug, Flugzeug, sorry, ich bin spät Ich bin auf dem Weg, schließ nich den Weg Wenn ich's nich' mehr schaff', änder' ich den Flug. und am Ende der Nacht, bin ich zurück.
Können wir so tun, als wären die Flugzeuge am dunklen Himmel die Sternschnuppen? Ich hätte gern' 'nen Wunsch jetzt frei,
Wunsch jetzt frei,
Wunsch jetzt frei.
Können wir so tun, als wären die Flugzeuge am dunklen Himmel die Sternschnuppen? Ich hätte gern' 'nen Wunsch jetzt frei,
Wunsch jetzt frei,
Wunsch jetzt frei.
Bring mich bitte jemand zurück in die Zeit, bevor dem Job hier, ich wurd' nich bezahlt. als ich nie wirklich wusste, was mir noch so bleibt. Als jeder Cent noch führte zu jedem Streit. Doch heute rappt doch einfach jeder Spinner,
um zu sein der größte Winner all der Spinner. Doch _(oh) Ich schätze, ist das Wünschen aus 'n em Flugzeug dann soweit, könnten wir wieder zurück _ in _ die_se _ Zeit.
Zurück, als das Rap-Game noch keine Politik war, Zurück, als noch niemand mein Mix-Tape gehört hat. Zurück, als ich noch versuchte Slang zu vertuschen, Aber das ist für die Cada, was geht, Bobby Ray? Ich habe einen Wunsch, Politik zu beenden, zurückgehen zur Musik und diesen Scheiß zu beenden. So stehe ich hier und ich sage noch mal: Ich hoffe, wir wünschen uns gemeinsam etwas.
Können wir so tun, als wären die Flugzeuge am dunklen Himmel die Sternschnuppen? Ich hätte gern' 'nen Wunsch jetzt frei,
Wunsch jetzt frei,
Wunsch jetzt frei.
Können wir so tun, als wären die Flugzeuge am dunklen Himmel die Sternschnuppen? Ich hätte gern' 'nen Wunsch jetzt frei,
Wunsch jetzt frei,
Wunsch jetzt frei.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
New Contest: Step Into German's
Wir filmen! Wir lehren Deutsch!
Es macht uns SPASS!
NOTIZEN: Die Wechselpräpositionen sind:
an - auf - hinter - in - neben - ueber - unter - vor - zwischen
Wann sind sie Akkusativ? -- With movement and action away from the target (WOHIN?)
Gehen wir ins Kino (oder ins Theater)? ins = in das = Akkusativ (Wohin gehen wir?)
Wann sind sie Dativ? -- Detailing time (Am Wochenende; Vor dem Urlaub) and Location (WO!)
Ich warte im Kino auf dich. im = in dem = Dativ (Wo warte ich?)
Wie macht man einen Film? -- Schau! Vi Hart filmt, und macht interessant das, was sonst nur langweilige ist! -- Aber wie das?
Hier macht man einen Film über wie Vi ihre Filme macht.
Interessant? Hilft das? Ich finde Vi Harts Videos echt cool.
Es macht uns SPASS!
NOTIZEN: Die Wechselpräpositionen sind:
an - auf - hinter - in - neben - ueber - unter - vor - zwischen
Wann sind sie Akkusativ? -- With movement and action away from the target (WOHIN?)
Gehen wir ins Kino (oder ins Theater)? ins = in das = Akkusativ (Wohin gehen wir?)
Wann sind sie Dativ? -- Detailing time (Am Wochenende; Vor dem Urlaub) and Location (WO!)
Ich warte im Kino auf dich. im = in dem = Dativ (Wo warte ich?)
Wie macht man einen Film? -- Schau! Vi Hart filmt, und macht interessant das, was sonst nur langweilige ist! -- Aber wie das?
Hier macht man einen Film über wie Vi ihre Filme macht.
Interessant? Hilft das? Ich finde Vi Harts Videos echt cool.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Die Uhrzeit -- mit drei Kumpeln
Auch wir koennen jetzt mit der genauen Zeit diesen drei Kumpeln mit berechnen.
Auch wir koennen jetzt mit der genauen Zeit diesen drei Kumpeln mit berechnen.
Barbara singt ,In Goettingen' und bringt Frieden
Dank Barbara und ihr Lied sind Frankreich und Deutschland heute keine Feinde mehr.
[Thanks in part to Barbara and this song, France and Germany are no longer enemies today.]
Und Barbara bekam den Medal of Honor fuer ihr Lied.
Hier, die Deutsch-Franzoesische Fernseh Sendung Arte bringt das Lied auch vor:
[Thanks in part to Barbara and this song, France and Germany are no longer enemies today.]
Und Barbara bekam den Medal of Honor fuer ihr Lied.
Hier, die Deutsch-Franzoesische Fernseh Sendung Arte bringt das Lied auch vor:
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Dr. Oetker Werbung -- für Kuchen und Pudding
Aus den - 1950 - Jahren!
Die Frauen dürfen backen!
Die Frauen dürfen backen!
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Geographie Spiele!
HIER GIBT ES TOLLE SPIELE! Man kann wirklich üben, und dabei lernen, und auch etwas Spaß haben.
(Great for practice, while learning and having fun.)
Wer kann 75,000 Pünkte im "Städte Europas" Spiel verdienen? Wir können hier gut üben und lernen.
Wer kann 115,000 Pünkte im "Länder Deutschlands" Spiel verdienen? ALLE von uns können es!
Wer kann 75,000 Pünkte im "Junior Städte Deutschlands" Spiel verdienen?
Für Pluspünkte (For Bonus Points): Drück das Blatt aus (Print out the Points Page), um deine tolle Note zu beweisen (to prove)!
Flüße? Das Spiel hat 34 Deutsche Flüße! Ich kenne nur die Hälfte davon. AUTSCH! Ich muss auch lernen!
(Great for practice, while learning and having fun.)
Wer kann 75,000 Pünkte im "Städte Europas" Spiel verdienen? Wir können hier gut üben und lernen.
Wer kann 115,000 Pünkte im "Länder Deutschlands" Spiel verdienen? ALLE von uns können es!
Wer kann 75,000 Pünkte im "Junior Städte Deutschlands" Spiel verdienen?
Für Pluspünkte (For Bonus Points): Drück das Blatt aus (Print out the Points Page), um deine tolle Note zu beweisen (to prove)!
Flüße? Das Spiel hat 34 Deutsche Flüße! Ich kenne nur die Hälfte davon. AUTSCH! Ich muss auch lernen!
Language Structure Guide to the National Exam
Language structures students should understand

Article and case
- formation and use of definite article in Nominative (N), Accusative (A)
- use of Dative (D) after preposition
- formation and use of indefinite article in N, A
- use of D after preposition
- ein-words
- predicative
- comparison: as appropriate for beginners (cont. at level 3)
- endings in very common formulas such as "guten Tag", "liebe/r Tante/Onkel"
- cardinal numbers
- some ordinal numbers, but no adjective endings
- plurals: as appropriate for beginners (continued at levels 3 and 4)
- genders: natural gender, agent nouns in -er, common fem. endings, "Mädchen"
- personal pronouns in N, A
- "er, sie" reference to inanimate objects
- indefinite pronouns: "man" [no "einen, einem"] and forms identical to article
- demonstrative in N, A
- interrogative in N
- present tense: all personal endings, vowel change
- modal auxiliaries: present [includes "möchte"]
- imperatives without vowel change
- pres. perf. (wk., str., mix.): as appropriate for beginners (cont. at levels 3 and 4)
- "hatte, war" as vocabulary items and for basic manipulation tense
- auxiliaries: "haben/ sein"
- dative verbs: "helfen, danken, gefallen"
- reflexive verbs as appropriate for beginners (cont. at 3 & 4)
- impersonal verbs: weather expressions, "es gibt"
- infinitives without "zu" with modal verbs
- past participles should be understood in comprehension as appropriate for level
- dative prepositions as appropriate
- accusative prepositions as appropriate
- meaning recognition of common mixed prepositions
Word order main clause and simple dependent clause
Verb-noun combinations e.g. Foto machen
Idioms e.g. im Stich lassen
Use of correct word e.g. "verbringen" with time spans, "guten Appetit" with food, etc. as appropriate
National German Exam Level 3
Article and case
- definite articles in Dative (as indirect object) and Genitive
- indefinite articles in Dative (as indirect object) and Genitive der-words
- in 1st position
- time expressions: as appropriate for this level
- meaning of some adverbs of place and manner (order of adverbs not tested)
- some differentiation of location vs. motion spatial adverbs (also in level 4)
- plurals: as appropriate for this level (also at levels 2 and 4)
- genders: as appropriate for this level
- personal pronouns in Dative
- relative pronouns in Nominative
- interrogative pronouns in Acc., Dat.
- demonstrative pronouns in Dat.
- pres. perf. (wk., str., mix.): as appropriate for this level (also at levels 2 and 4)
- modal auxiliaries: simple past
- simple past: comprehension only, exc. very common forms (e.g. "war, hatte" some modals)
- imperatives with vowel change
- future tense
- separable and insep. prefixes (including word order)
- conditions contrary to fact: recognition of "hätte, wäre, würde"
- past participles should be understood in comprehension as appropriate for level
- impersonal verbs: as appropriate for this level (also at levels 2 and 4)
- dative verbs: as appropriate for this level (also at levels 2 and 4)
- reflexive verbs: as appropriate for this level (also at levels 2 and 4)
- dative prepositions and accusative prepositions (all common ones)
- mixed prepositions (continued in 4)
- prepositional compounds: "da-" compounds active; "wo-" compounds recognition
- conjunctions as appropriate for this level (also at levels 2 and 4)
- main clause: inversion dependent clause placement of noun and pronoun objects
Idioms e.g. im Stich lassen
Use of correct word e.g. "Foto machen"
National German Exam Level 4
- weak endings
- strong endings
- attributive vs. adverbial use
- used as nouns
Time expressions as appropriate for level (also in 2 & 3)
- n-nouns (weak nouns)
- genders
- possessive pronouns (within reason)
- interrogative pronouns in Genitive
- relative pronouns in Accusative, Dative, Genitive
- indefinite pronouns
- pres. perf. (wk., str., mix.): as appropriate for this level (also at levels 2 and 3)
- simple past, active knowledge
- infinitives with "zu" (no "brauchen")
- past participles: should be understood in reading
- present participles: should be understood in reading
- modal auxiliaries: perfect tenses, double infinitive (within reason)
- passive voice: (present, past, pres. perf.)
- Conditions contrary to fact
- present subjunctive: active use of "hätte, wäre, würde" and frequent modals
- past subjunctive (basic construction)
- subjunctive wishes
- indirect discourse: recognition
- impersonal verbs as appropriate for this level (also in 3)
- dative verbs as appropriate for this level (also in 3)
- reflexive verbs as appropriate for this level (also in 2 and 3)
- mixed prepositions (also in 3)
- verbs with certain prepositions (list to be proposed)
Verb-noun combinations e.g. "Foto machen, Rede halten" as appropriate for this level
Idioms e.g. "im Stich lassen" as appropriate for this level
Use of correct word e.g. "verbringen" with time spans, "Reise machen" etc. as appropriate for this level
Deutsche Architektur, dank Heidi
HIER IST EINE WEBSEITE, die Heidi und ich gerne anschauen. Welches Gebaeude (building) ist dein Lieblingsbegaeude?
Heide hat gern das Gebaeude Nr. 5 auf der Johannisstrasse, wo es draussen (outside) und auch drinnen (inside) fast atmenberaeubernd (breathtaking) ist.
Heide hat gern das Gebaeude Nr. 5 auf der Johannisstrasse, wo es draussen (outside) und auch drinnen (inside) fast atmenberaeubernd (breathtaking) ist.
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Ein schönes Lied von Philipp Poisel: Durch die Nacht
Ist das Lied etwas zu lang? Es gibt wenig Text.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Sebastian Vollmer ready for whatever comes along
Boston Herald • January 13, 2013
FOXBORO — Sebastian Vollmer is a master at adapting By Mark Daniels /@mdaniels06
Even if the 6-foot-8, 320-pound offensive tackle sticks out, he’s learned to blend in over the years.
That’s evident by the German-Texas twang in his speech. He developed that after leaving his Kaarst, Germany, home in 2004 to play football at the University of Houston in 2004. Now after four seasons with the Patriots, he said he’s started to notice a hint of a Boston accent in his voice, too.
As the Patriots face the Houston Texans in today’s AFC Divisional Playoffs, Vollmer is nearing the end of his contract. The 28-year-old has no idea what the future holds for him. He doesn’t know if he’ll finally settle down or move on to acquire an additional layer to his accent.
And he’s fine with that.
“It’s kind of wherever I am, I feel like it’s home,” said Vollmer. Wherever he’s gone, he’s excelled. And that’s why it didn’t take long for Thomas McGaughey to notice Vollmer.
While at an NFL development camp in Europe, the then-University of Houston special teams coordinator watched in awe as Vollmer, who played for the Düsseldorf Panthers, excelled in all three phases of the game. “I was like, who is this kid?” said McGaughey, who’s now an assistant at LSU.
McGaughey offered Vollmer a scholarship on the spot. The two kept in touch and hit it off even if there was a language barrier.
“I didn’t really understand what he was saying,” Vollmer said. “I’m sure he didn’t understand what I was saying. But it kind of worked out. There was kind of a trust factor there. That’s kind of why I came to Houston.”
Putting plan in action
Vollmer took a leap of faith when he came to America. It wasn’t easy as a 20-year-old. There were days were he missed his family, friends and his native language, but he worked hard. “I came here with a purpose,” said Vollmer of America. “I wanted to, one, learn the language. I didn’t want to separate myself. I wanted to be a part of the team and just America itself . . . And I didn’t want to get on the football field and get my ass kicked.”
He gained more than 70 pounds and, by his senior season, he was not only speaking fluently but earned first-team All-Conference USA honors.
“I could tell, when I was recruiting him, he had that passion to want to prove everyone wrong or just to prove himself,” said McGaughey.
Riding a draft horse
When the announcement echoed throughout the New York Giants war room on the first day of the 2009 NFL draft, the words were music to McGaughey’s ears: “With the 58th pick in the 2009 NFL Draft, the New England Patriots select Sebastian Vollmer from the University of Houston.”
Working with the Giants as an assistant, McGaughey spent a good part of the 2009 draft process building up his prized recruit. Vollmer had a solid career at Houston, but was still considered raw and wasn’t invited to the NFL Combine.
McGaughey even heard it from the Giants talent evaluators. “They were like, ‘Hey, we saw your guy today and he sucked,’” McGaughey said. “They were trying to be funny because they knew I recruited him.” McGaughey was in the hallway outside the Giants war room when Bill Belichick made his pick. “You could hear a pin drop in there,” said McGaughey. “It was funny.”
Belichick surprised more than just the Giants staff that day when he drafted Vollmer, but it paid off. The tackle, who earned All-Pro honors in 2010, has been a stalwart on the Patriots offensive line ever since. Today, Vollmer faces the task of blocking NFL sack leader J.J. Watt. It’s no easy feat, but he’ll tackle the challenge head on — just as he did when he came to America and when he came to the NFL.
He’ll do the same next season if he finds a new place to call home. (Lassen die Patriots ihn schon los? Anscheinend ja, denn sie haben ihn seit 2009 nur 4 Jahre als Patriot unterschrieben. --RSB) “My future is (today),” said Vollmer. “Then I’ll go from there.”
FOXBORO — Sebastian Vollmer is a master at adapting By Mark Daniels /@mdaniels06
Even if the 6-foot-8, 320-pound offensive tackle sticks out, he’s learned to blend in over the years.
That’s evident by the German-Texas twang in his speech. He developed that after leaving his Kaarst, Germany, home in 2004 to play football at the University of Houston in 2004. Now after four seasons with the Patriots, he said he’s started to notice a hint of a Boston accent in his voice, too.
As the Patriots face the Houston Texans in today’s AFC Divisional Playoffs, Vollmer is nearing the end of his contract. The 28-year-old has no idea what the future holds for him. He doesn’t know if he’ll finally settle down or move on to acquire an additional layer to his accent.
And he’s fine with that.
“It’s kind of wherever I am, I feel like it’s home,” said Vollmer. Wherever he’s gone, he’s excelled. And that’s why it didn’t take long for Thomas McGaughey to notice Vollmer.
While at an NFL development camp in Europe, the then-University of Houston special teams coordinator watched in awe as Vollmer, who played for the Düsseldorf Panthers, excelled in all three phases of the game. “I was like, who is this kid?” said McGaughey, who’s now an assistant at LSU.
McGaughey offered Vollmer a scholarship on the spot. The two kept in touch and hit it off even if there was a language barrier.
“I didn’t really understand what he was saying,” Vollmer said. “I’m sure he didn’t understand what I was saying. But it kind of worked out. There was kind of a trust factor there. That’s kind of why I came to Houston.”
Putting plan in action
Vollmer took a leap of faith when he came to America. It wasn’t easy as a 20-year-old. There were days were he missed his family, friends and his native language, but he worked hard. “I came here with a purpose,” said Vollmer of America. “I wanted to, one, learn the language. I didn’t want to separate myself. I wanted to be a part of the team and just America itself . . . And I didn’t want to get on the football field and get my ass kicked.”
He gained more than 70 pounds and, by his senior season, he was not only speaking fluently but earned first-team All-Conference USA honors.
“I could tell, when I was recruiting him, he had that passion to want to prove everyone wrong or just to prove himself,” said McGaughey.
Riding a draft horse
When the announcement echoed throughout the New York Giants war room on the first day of the 2009 NFL draft, the words were music to McGaughey’s ears: “With the 58th pick in the 2009 NFL Draft, the New England Patriots select Sebastian Vollmer from the University of Houston.”
Working with the Giants as an assistant, McGaughey spent a good part of the 2009 draft process building up his prized recruit. Vollmer had a solid career at Houston, but was still considered raw and wasn’t invited to the NFL Combine.
McGaughey even heard it from the Giants talent evaluators. “They were like, ‘Hey, we saw your guy today and he sucked,’” McGaughey said. “They were trying to be funny because they knew I recruited him.” McGaughey was in the hallway outside the Giants war room when Bill Belichick made his pick. “You could hear a pin drop in there,” said McGaughey. “It was funny.”
Belichick surprised more than just the Giants staff that day when he drafted Vollmer, but it paid off. The tackle, who earned All-Pro honors in 2010, has been a stalwart on the Patriots offensive line ever since. Today, Vollmer faces the task of blocking NFL sack leader J.J. Watt. It’s no easy feat, but he’ll tackle the challenge head on — just as he did when he came to America and when he came to the NFL.
He’ll do the same next season if he finds a new place to call home. (Lassen die Patriots ihn schon los? Anscheinend ja, denn sie haben ihn seit 2009 nur 4 Jahre als Patriot unterschrieben. --RSB) “My future is (today),” said Vollmer. “Then I’ll go from there.”
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Ampel Spiel? [Pedestrian Pong]!
Möchtest auch DU spielen?
Die Mitspielerin war besser. [Das finde ich lustig!]
--Katja, wo hast du dieses Video gefunden? Echt cool!
Die Mitspielerin war besser. [Das finde ich lustig!]
--Katja, wo hast du dieses Video gefunden? Echt cool!
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Links 2, 3, 4 v. Rammstein 1999-2000.
Kann man Herzen brechen --können Herzen sprechen
kann man Herzen quälen --kann man Herzen stehlen
Sie wollen mein Herz am rechten Fleck
doch seh ich dann nach unten weg == da schlägt es links
Links. Links zwo, drei, vier.
Können Herzen singen --kann ein Herz zerspringen
können Herzen rein sein --kann ein Herz aus Stein sein
Sie wollen mein Herz am rechten Fleck
doch seh ich dann nach unten weg
da schlägt es links zwo drei vier
Kann man Herzen fragen --ein Kind darunter tragen
kann man es verschenken --mit dem Herzen denken
Sie wollen mein Herz am rechten Fleck
doch seh ich dann nach unten weg
da schlägt es in der linken Brust
der Neider hat es schlecht gewußt
Links zwo drei vier
Kann man Herzen brechen --können Herzen sprechen
kann man Herzen quälen --kann man Herzen stehlen
Sie wollen mein Herz am rechten Fleck
doch seh ich dann nach unten weg == da schlägt es links
Links. Links zwo, drei, vier.
Können Herzen singen --kann ein Herz zerspringen
können Herzen rein sein --kann ein Herz aus Stein sein
Sie wollen mein Herz am rechten Fleck
doch seh ich dann nach unten weg
da schlägt es links zwo drei vier
Kann man Herzen fragen --ein Kind darunter tragen
kann man es verschenken --mit dem Herzen denken
Sie wollen mein Herz am rechten Fleck
doch seh ich dann nach unten weg
da schlägt es in der linken Brust
der Neider hat es schlecht gewußt
Links zwo drei vier
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Friday, January 4, 2013
Contest Entry: VIENNA
Vienna must be the Christmassiest city on earth.
I admit, I say this without having visited Santa’s hometown in the North Pole, but I think even the HOH OHO postcode would have a hard time competing with Vienna, which springs alive with golden light just when you think mother nature has sunken into a grumpy, menopausal depression.
As though Vienna didn’t already have a reputation for jump-starting one’s romantic inclinations – in December the magnificent streets are crowned with canopies of light. And we’re not just talking about Wal-Mart’s basic tri-colour string of bulbs, here. About 40 of Vienna’s prime shopping streets seem to have their own unique lighting design. Thus, the entire city becomes a free, luminous art installation.
And the markets – oh, the markets! I had a vague notion of the existence of traditional Christmas Markets in Germany and Austria (and it would be a shame not to mention the excellent euro-inspired market in Toronto’s Distillery District), but I had no idea how many markets you could find in Vienna alone. At one point, I got lost and stumbled across no fewer than three markets within a small area! According to the tourist board, the official tally is 10-15 markets in Vienna.

The best part is, every market has its own personality. Sure, they’re all spiked with glühwein (mulled wine) and punsch (more hot alcohol), and the tiny wooden hut is the unanimous choice for architecture, but the underlying character of the market varies from district to district. The largest market at theRathaus, for instance, was teeming with tourists and – quite frankly – too chaotic for my taste. The market at Schönbrunn Palace, however, was far more civilized and offered a better experience overall.Spittelberg Market, tucked away and spread throughout a few narrow streets, was another favourite – it seemed like a secret market where hip locals might choose to go.
Other intriguing options are the Old Viennese Market on Freyung, where a Christmas Market has been held since 1772, and its opposite, the modern design market at Looshaus.

“Hah!” he laughed, and continued in hesitant English. “I make every night. No sleep!”
One felt snowman: tiny.
Customer satisfaction: huge.
This is the first in a series of posts about Christmas in Vienna and Berlin. Tomorrow, check in to learn about the home of the snowglobe!
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Spass mit "Compound Nouns"
Do you agree that Astrid of Augsburg, or Silly-Sparrowness is quite charming? This link Romy's second suggested post, and I'm delighted to have been introduced to this video blogger.
Where do German nouns end?
Can you recreate the compound noun she has devised for her audience?
What new compound nouns can you devise "auf Deutsch?"
Where do German nouns end?
Can you recreate the compound noun she has devised for her audience?
What new compound nouns can you devise "auf Deutsch?"
Ready to Compete? Category: German Christmas Markets!
Astrid introduces us to Augsburg's show:
Chris in Manchester, England tries to top that:
Any other challenger suggestions?
So, who wins? And why? Other categories?
What would get you to attend such a market?
Thanks, Romi, for suggesting we take on this challenge. Shall we offer a prize for the most interesting comment here? Viel Glück alle!
Chris in Manchester, England tries to top that:
Any other challenger suggestions?
So, who wins? And why? Other categories?
What would get you to attend such a market?
Thanks, Romi, for suggesting we take on this challenge. Shall we offer a prize for the most interesting comment here? Viel Glück alle!
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Medieval music: Walther von der Vogelweide (1170-1230)
Palästina-Lied (Palestine Song) von Arany Zoltán (Gefällt es dir?)
Vogelweides Songtext: (Verstehst du etwas von diesem ur-alten Text?)
Álrêrst lébe ich mir werde,
sît mîn sündic ouge siht
daz here lant und ouch die erde,
der man sô vil êren giht.
ez ist geschehen, des ich ie bat:
ích bin komen an die stat,
dâ got menischlîchen trat.
Vogelweides Songtext: (Verstehst du etwas von diesem ur-alten Text?)
Álrêrst lébe ich mir werde,
sît mîn sündic ouge siht
daz here lant und ouch die erde,
der man sô vil êren giht.
ez ist geschehen, des ich ie bat:
ích bin komen an die stat,
dâ got menischlîchen trat.
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swaz ich der noch hân gesehen,
sô bist dûs ir aller êre.
waz ist wunders hie geschehen!
daz ein magt ein kint gebar, ---- > ( Dass ein Magd ein Kind gebar = that a girl bore a child )
hêre über áller engel schar, --- > ( die Schar = band; flock )
wáz daz niht ein wunder gar?
daz der mensche reine sî.
dô liez er sich hie verkoufen,
daz wir eigen wurden frî.
anders waeren wir verlorn.
wól dir, spér, kriuze únde dorn!
wê dir, heiden, dáz ist dir zorn!