Friday, June 8, 2012

So trainieren die Deutschen? Super!
Danke, DFB!  Gute Ideen.


  1. Its cool to see that they are getting young kids into the sport at a early age. This is a good idea because it can help the kid decide if they like the sport or not and can move on to a different sport and help them get active earlier.

  2. Das ist interessant. I agree with der Schweizer comment. We should do this in USA.

  3. I agree with Schweizer and I always thought the same thing. Kids should start sports early and grow up with it because you learn better as you grow up and then by the time you are older you can be good at the sport you choose, but when you start as an adult it is harder to get the concepts and learn. Just like languages.

  4. Spielen sie einen sport fruh besser ist. Sie werden besser in einen sport wenn sie es für ihr ganzes Leben.
