Monday, April 29, 2013

Im Fernsehen: Angela Merkel rappt mit? Jawohl.

 "Hätte, hätte - Fahrradkette"  KONJUNKTIV BEIM RAPPEN 

Steinbrück rappt den Konjunktiv

"Zuletzt noch fett im Meinungstief, jetzt schon satt im Konjunktiv":

Kanzlerkandidat Peer Steinbrück legt seine Interview-Blüte "Hätte, hätte -
Fahrradkette" als Musikvideo auf.
Die Berliner SPD-Stars unterstützen seinen Coup im ARD-Morgenmagazin als Background-Sänger. Und auch die Kanzlerin rappt mit.

Heute vor 14 Tagen interviewte der Moderator Sven Lorig im ARD-Morgenmagazin Peer Steinbrück, bekanntlich Kanzlerkandidat der SPD. Unter anderem ging es um den Parteislogan "Das WIR entscheidet!", zuvor schon Slogan einer Zeitarbeiterfirma. Auf die Frage, ob man diesen nicht durch eine einfache Google-Suche zuvor hätte abklären können, antwortete Herr Steinbrück: "Hätte, hätte - Fahrradkette ... !" Genau dieser Ausspruch war ein Anlaß für den Chefsatiriker des ARD-Morgenmagazins, Udo Eling, daraus mit seinem Team einen Song zu kreieren, welcher heute früh in der Sendung ausgestrahlt wurde - mit dem Ergebnis, daß er so zahlreich aufgerufen wurde, daß sich die ARD entschloß, ihn auch bei Youtube hochzuladen.

Hier der Link zu dem Song "Hätte, hätte, Fahrradkette!"

Men: Peer Steinbrueck, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Sigmar Gabriel. They were
generally considered the leadership troika of the SPD and the party had wanted
to postpone picking one of them as challenger for Merkel until as late as
possible. Because of some developments, Steinbrueck became the contender. He
has had several scandals since: He collected speaking fees from a number of
businesses and business associations, he mused about the pay of the
chancellor, and he picked a an election slogan which had been used by a
temporary employment agency.  In the song, the three of them allude to all
kinds of previous SPD politicians and to a bunch of scandals, both those of
Steinbrueck and those of decades past.

The women are 1. Manuela Schwesig [not totally sure here], who has come to the
limelight as a speaker on social and women's issues, currently serving in the
government of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern; 2. Hannelore Kraft, who won an outright
victory for red/green against the CDU/FDP in Nordrhein-Westfalen after heading
a minority government for a while. She was rumored to be a contender for the
chancellorship, but probably want s to establish more of a tack record for
herself before she moves on; 3. Andrea Nahles, party manager and exponent of
the left wing of the party.

Außer Frau Kanzlerin Merkel, wer spielte mit? 
Per Eckhart:  Die Männer sind:  
1. Peer Steinbrück,
2. Frank-Walter Steinmeier,
3. Sigmar Gabriel  (all three generally considered the leadership troika of the SPD; the party had wanted to postpone picking one of them as challenger for Merkel until as late as possible.
Because of some developments, Steinbrück became the contender. He has had several scandals since: He collected speaking fees from a number of businesses and business associations, he mused about the pay of the chancellor, and he picked a an election slogan which had been used by a temporary employment agency.
--In the song, the three of them allude to all kinds of previous SPD politicians and to a bunch of scandals, both those of Steinbrück and those of decades past.

Und die Frauen (vielleicht; nicht sicher: ) 
1. Manuela Schwesig; has come to the limelight as a speaker on social and women's issues, currently serving in the government of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern;
2. Hannelore Kraft; won an outright victory for red/green against the CDU/FDP in Nordrhein-Westfalen after heading a minority government for a while; rumored to be a contender for the chancellorship, but probably wants to establish more of a tack record before she moves on;
3. Andrea Nahles;  party manager and exponent of the left wing of the party.

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