von Alexander Marcus (Wie viele Zuschauer hat dieses Lied? Ueber 6 Millionen???)
Das Rezept: The Recipe
Anana (Pineappl)
aus der Dose (out of the can)
2 Blaetter Kaese (2 sheets of cheese)
und Schinken.... (and ham)
Herein damit... (in -- the oven -- with it)
Schieben (shove)
A -na-na-na-na-na! oder: Na-na-na-na-na-na?
Etwas vom Text...
Das ist der Hawaiia Toast,
Wichtig ist das Weissbrot.
Was ist mit dir?
Den mag ich so ...
Ich mag ihn so!
Der Kaese ist verlaufen, der Toast ist fertig.
Schnell den Tisch gedeckt. Ich habe Hunger.
Schmeckt gut, der Toast.
Ich will noch eins.
Guten appetit!
Friday, January 31, 2014
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Lager Waldsee: Concordia College's Summer Language Village
Many who Attend this Camp also earn High School credit ...rsb

Former villager and current staff member at Waldsee, Kate Katja Bussert attends Wellesley College and works in its theater department as a jack-of-all-trades. She does everything from building sets to directing productions, purchasing lumber and balancing budgets. Katja also has a long history with theater at Concordia Language Villages.
While attending German classes at the Germanic-American Institute’s Saturday School in St.Paul, Minn., nine-year-old Katja came across a brochure forWaldsee and begged her mother to allow her to attend. Katja found the perfect combination of the three things she loved in Waldsee’s Märchenwald program for experienced German speakers: theater, King Arthur and German.
As the years passed, her language skills grew alongside her love of the theater. Many villagers who attend Concordia Language Villages’ programs as young children transition to a high school credit program at the age of fourteen. For Katja, the financial burden this would cause meant such a program was likely out of the question. But through the generosity of donors and the caring staff who knew her so well, Katja was nominated for and was awarded a Max Kade Foundation scholarship. (It doesn't have to be expensive. The NKHS German Club also offers a scholarship. Just ask!)

It wouldn’t be the first year that Katja had a three-hundred day countdown to camp. It also wouldn’t be the last year she earned a scholarship. But that first summer attending a four-week credit program would prove to be an amazing summer. It was that summer that would catapult her into the apprentice program and ultimately onto staff where she would have the chance to work with the people who had seen such potential in a lovely, enthusiastic young person.
Katja hopes to study abroad in Oxford next year and has credited much of her mentality about not feeling limited, for any reason, to the wonderful experiences she has had at Concordia Language Villages. As she so aptly put it, “The point of CLV is to learn a language. If you’re committed to that dream, somehow it will just work out!”
Aussprache: Ueberraschung Schmetterling Kugelschreiber
So geht es auf Deutsch!
der Krankenwagen
die Naturwissenschaften (pl)
das Nilpferd
der Geschlechtsverkehr
die Entschuldigung!
das Krankenhaus
der Kanarienvogel
der Krankenwagen
die Naturwissenschaften (pl)
das Nilpferd
der Geschlechtsverkehr
die Entschuldigung!
das Krankenhaus
der Kanarienvogel
2014 German National Exam: Comments anyone?
I'd like to share a summation of comments on this new online version of the German National Exam with you, which came from Pres. of the MASSACHUSETTS (RI) FLA, J. Douglas Guy....
(Bold emphasis, paragraph breaks and translations are my own...RSB)
RE: National German Exam -- Timing
One really has to question why the National German Exam was revised the way it
was, and why the difficulty level increased so exponentially to be nearly
absurd. It is one thing to try and adhere to ACTFL Proficiency Standards and
Europäische Referenzrahmen and construct exams with authentic materials---all
good things to try and do. It is completely another to be out of touch with
what's the normal proficiency of a second, third or fourth year high school
student, write exams that conform to the aforementioned constructs but are so
beyond kids' proficiency levels that they're only going to make them feel
incompetent and stupid, and also make them question what their teachers are
teaching them.
And we're supposed to pay for this?
Yes, I know, this is the first outing for revised NGEs, but when the testing commission gets back to
the drawing board--and they have a lot of redrawing to do-- they had better
include a whole bunch of regular high school teachers from regular high
schools to advise them on what are normal expectations for grades 9-12. Even
Deutsche Welle offers "langsam gesprochene Nachrichten" (News read slowly)
and we have the technology to slow down delivery of authentic speech without distortion, so
why wouldn't we do that?
Finding authentic video and audio that is within
the range of standard H.S. comprehension is going to be devilishly hard to do.
But this isn't the A.P. exam. Let's get that straight. And it isn't a test
to make test writers feel good about enforcing abstract proficiency
guidelines. This needs to be the test for the high school everyman. If it
isn't, and this year's wasn't, we have no reason to continue subscribing to
the exam. That does no one any good, neither AATG, nor the kids, nor the poor
lone wolf German teacher who is often fighting against very great odds to
keep attracting kids and keep his/her German program above water.
There is considerable work that needs to be done on NGE 2014/15.
An die Arbeit, Leute. (Back to work, folks!)
OK Leute. Sollen wir diesen Examen auch naechstes Jahr schreiben?
(Bold emphasis, paragraph breaks and translations are my own...RSB)
RE: National German Exam -- Timing
One really has to question why the National German Exam was revised the way it
was, and why the difficulty level increased so exponentially to be nearly
absurd. It is one thing to try and adhere to ACTFL Proficiency Standards and
Europäische Referenzrahmen and construct exams with authentic materials---all
good things to try and do. It is completely another to be out of touch with
what's the normal proficiency of a second, third or fourth year high school
student, write exams that conform to the aforementioned constructs but are so
beyond kids' proficiency levels that they're only going to make them feel
incompetent and stupid, and also make them question what their teachers are
teaching them.
And we're supposed to pay for this?
Yes, I know, this is the first outing for revised NGEs, but when the testing commission gets back to
the drawing board--and they have a lot of redrawing to do-- they had better
include a whole bunch of regular high school teachers from regular high
schools to advise them on what are normal expectations for grades 9-12. Even
Deutsche Welle offers "langsam gesprochene Nachrichten" (News read slowly)
and we have the technology to slow down delivery of authentic speech without distortion, so
why wouldn't we do that?
Finding authentic video and audio that is within
the range of standard H.S. comprehension is going to be devilishly hard to do.
But this isn't the A.P. exam. Let's get that straight. And it isn't a test
to make test writers feel good about enforcing abstract proficiency
guidelines. This needs to be the test for the high school everyman. If it
isn't, and this year's wasn't, we have no reason to continue subscribing to
the exam. That does no one any good, neither AATG, nor the kids, nor the poor
lone wolf German teacher who is often fighting against very great odds to
keep attracting kids and keep his/her German program above water.
There is considerable work that needs to be done on NGE 2014/15.
An die Arbeit, Leute. (Back to work, folks!)
OK Leute. Sollen wir diesen Examen auch naechstes Jahr schreiben?

Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Singen und Lernen! Latein...
Ist Deutsch schwerer oder leichter, als Latein???
Hilft Frau McCarty uns? Ich glaube, JA!
Hilft Frau McCarty uns? Ich glaube, JA!
Marika Rökk -- Tanzstar 1939: Hier 1959
Google this star, to find her still dancing and singing at age 82.
Hitler spricht...ein Dialog in Mannheim
I've posted this conversation between two Austrians before, but here are subtitles, which helps us to fill in those gaps.
Sprachen Lernen: WARUM?
-- mit artikeln z.B
Warum finden Schüler keinen Spaß beim lernen?
(Why don't kids enjoy learning?)
Warum sind Schüler manchmal so emotional?
(Why do some pupils respond so emotionally?)
Warum finden sie andere Schüler interessanter als der Lehrer?
(Why do pupils find each other more interesting than their teacher?)
Warum sind Jugendliche im Unterricht oft gelangweilt?
(Why do pupils so often seem bored during their lessons?)
Haben Sie das auch schon erlebt? Schülerinnen und Schüler machen im Unterricht nicht so recht mit und scheinen sich zu langweilen. Was kann dahinterstecken?Mehr ...
Warum lassen sich Schüler im Unterricht so schnell ablenken?
(Why do pupils tune out so quickly?)
Ein bekanntes Phänomen: die Aufmerksamkeit für den Unterricht schwindet bei Jugendlichen im Vergleich zu erwachsenen Lernern viel schneller. Oft lassen sie sich von ihren Mitschülern oder anderen Dingen ablenken.Mehr ...
Warum sprechen Schüler häufig nur ungern vor der Klasse
(Why do so few kids enjoy speaking in front of the class?)
Kennen Sie das? Sie stellen Ihren Schülerinnen und Schülern im Unterricht eine Frage. Doch statt einer Antwort erhalten Sie kollektives Schweigen.Mehr ...
Warum sind viele Schüler haüfig müde und teilnahmslos?
(Why are so many pupils tired and remote so often?)

-- mit artikeln z.B
Warum finden Schüler keinen Spaß beim lernen?
(Why don't kids enjoy learning?)
Warum sind Schüler manchmal so emotional?
(Why do some pupils respond so emotionally?)
Warum finden sie andere Schüler interessanter als der Lehrer?
(Why do pupils find each other more interesting than their teacher?)
Warum sind Jugendliche im Unterricht oft gelangweilt?
(Why do pupils so often seem bored during their lessons?)
Haben Sie das auch schon erlebt? Schülerinnen und Schüler machen im Unterricht nicht so recht mit und scheinen sich zu langweilen. Was kann dahinterstecken?Mehr ...
Warum lassen sich Schüler im Unterricht so schnell ablenken?
(Why do pupils tune out so quickly?)
Ein bekanntes Phänomen: die Aufmerksamkeit für den Unterricht schwindet bei Jugendlichen im Vergleich zu erwachsenen Lernern viel schneller. Oft lassen sie sich von ihren Mitschülern oder anderen Dingen ablenken.Mehr ...
Warum sprechen Schüler häufig nur ungern vor der Klasse
(Why do so few kids enjoy speaking in front of the class?)
Kennen Sie das? Sie stellen Ihren Schülerinnen und Schülern im Unterricht eine Frage. Doch statt einer Antwort erhalten Sie kollektives Schweigen.Mehr ...
Warum sind viele Schüler haüfig müde und teilnahmslos?
(Why are so many pupils tired and remote so often?)

Monday, January 27, 2014
Der Spiegel : Spielen macht klug
Warum Computerspiele besser sind als ihr Ruf
(Why computer games are better than their reputation)
(Why computer games are better than their reputation)
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Rappen? Slammen? Julia Engelmann kann es hier machen
Hier der Text: One Day Reckonning.. One Day, Baby we'll be old, and think of all the stories we could have told...
Ob Baby werden wir alt sein, und denken an alle die Geschichten denken, die wir erzählen können
GROSSARTIG! Es gibt kein anderes Wort dafür! Und ja: Auch die Versalien müssen sein! Denn dieser Clip
zieht einem echt die Schuhe aus!
Freund hat ihn auf Facebook gepostet. Mit den Worten: "Schlichte
Wahrheiten, die Abwesenheit von Zynismus, viel Mut und Nervosität =
beeindruckende fünf Minuten".
Mehr mag ich an dieser
Stelle eigentlich gar nicht sagen. Nehmen Sie sich einfach die Zeit und
hören Sie Julia Engelmann zu, bei ihrem Auftritt auf dem Bielefelder
Hörsaalslam im Mai 2013.
Es geht um das Leben, das
wir führen. Und das Leben, das wir vielleicht gern geführt hätten. Warum
es so schwer, und dabei doch eigentlich so leicht ist, vom falschen
Leben ins richtige zu wechseln. Oder, wie es in Engelmanns Hookline
heißt: "Eines Tages werde ich alt sein, Baby, und an all die Geschichten
denken, die ich hätte erzählen können."
Sentimental? Ja. Naiv? Auch das. Vor allem aber: wahr!
Und ab sofort auf immer ein Bookmark in meinem Hirn und in meinem
Herzen, sobald ich wieder in den "Hättest-Könntest-Würdest"-Modus
Und für alle Nörgler, die jetzt sagen: Der
Clip ist doch so alt, was kramt ihr so vermodertes Zeug aus der Kiste?
Das mag schon stimmen. Aber, hey: Es gibt so viel mehr Müll als Perlen
im Web, da schadet es nichts, die eine oder andere aufs Neue
hervorzuholen und ein wenig zu polieren. Auf dass sie lange glänzen
Join Us in Massachusetts: German Immersion Day
Registrations must be in before February Vacation begins...by Valentine's Day, February 14.
FEE: $15 includes T-shirt.
Please bring cash or a check made out to NKHS German Club.
Also please check to see if there might be any willing drivers for Saturday, March 8, in case we need additional transportation.
Here's a link to the posting from the last Immersion Day......
Habe ich die Fotos nur bei Facebook gepostet????
Ich muss mal nachschauen... Bis bald.
Registrations must be in before February Vacation begins...by Valentine's Day, February 14.
FEE: $15 includes T-shirt.
Please bring cash or a check made out to NKHS German Club.
Also please check to see if there might be any willing drivers for Saturday, March 8, in case we need additional transportation.
Here's a link to the posting from the last Immersion Day......
Habe ich die Fotos nur bei Facebook gepostet????
Ich muss mal nachschauen... Bis bald.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Helene Fischer .... Wer ist sie?
Wie viele Echos hat sie gewonnen?
Wie viele
Wer hört Ave Maria, auf Deutsch nicht gerne zu?
Sie kann tanzen, Steptanzen, singen, und sehr viel mehr. Helene Fischer ist ein Wunder!
Seeed: Reggae: Wasserpumpee
A Classic...before Peter Fox's solo career ..
(AntonyB. And Seeed)
Waan back we Waterpumpee, wi cool and deadly we
go dance with die ladies
Dem a dance ya too funky- make man a move inna di dance
Like junkie we..
Waan back we Waterpumpee, wi cool and deadly we
go dance with die ladies
Dem a dance ya too funky-got shot a buz
Ihr hört und hyperhifistereo oder muffiges Desaster
auf´m Tape fressenden Blaaster
singen tun wir sowieso
vielleicht könnt ihrs erahnen
zwischen Brosis und Bin Laden,
wir die Homies sein,
denn wir sind nicht gern allein
der eine braucht nur sein´ TV,
wir brauchen die Family
In diesen eisigen Zeiten voll von durchgeknallten Leuten
Ist es unser Job die heißen Hooks und Zeilen zu verbreiten
Du bist hart, du willst streiten kriegst´n halbsteifen beim fighten
Geh doch in die USA und Feier da, geh Bullen reiten
Geh bloß uns nicht auf´n Sack, weil du zu feige bist zu tanzen
Zieh die teure Jacke aus, du Körperklaus- zeig was kannstn?
Wir mooven gut in jedem Look im freshen und verranztem
Du mit deinem Benni Miles schockst die Vorstadt promenanzen yes we
See hip shake watch your shape...
No turn back...
Und hier Peter Fox...ein Klassic aus 2008... Unser Ankerlied, 2011! -- Hey! alles glänzt!
Ich verbrenne mein Studio, schnupfe die Asche wie Koks.
Ich erschlag’ meinen Goldfisch, vergrab ihn im Hof.
Ich jag’ meine Bude hoch, alles was ich hab’ lass’ ich los. (Eh...)
Mein altes Leben, schmeckt wie 'n labriger Toast.
Brat mir ein Pracht-Steak, Peter kocht jetzt feinstes Fleisch.
Bin das Update, Peter Fox 1.1.
Ich will abshaken, feiern, doch mein Teich ist zu klein.
Mir wächst 'ne neue reihe Beißer wie bei 'nem weissen Hai. (Hou...)
Gewachst, gedoped, poliert, nagelneue Zähne.
Ich bin euphorisiert, und habe teure Pläne.
Ich kaufe mir Baumaschinen, Bagger und Walzen und Kräne.
Stürze mich auf Berlin und drück’ auf die Sirene.
Ich baue schöne Boxentürme, Bässe massieren eure Seele.
Ich bin die Abrissbirne für die d-d-d-deutsche Szene.
Hey-, alles glänzt-, so schön neu.
Hey, wenn's dir nicht gefällt, mach neu! (Hou...)
Die Welt mit Staub bedeckt, doch ich will seh’n wo's hingeht.
Steig auf den Berg aus Dreck, weil oben frischer Wind weht!
Hey-, alles glänzt-, so schön neu.
Ich hab’ meine alten Sachen satt, und lass sie in 'nem Sack verrotten.
Motte die Klamotten ein, und dann geh’ ich nackt shoppen.
Ich bin komplett renoviert, Bräute haben was zu glotzen.
Kerngesund, durchtrainiert, Weltmeister im Schach und Boxen.
Nur noch konkret reden, gib mir ein ja oder nein.
Schluss mit Larifari, ich lass all die alten Faxen sein.
Sollt' ich je wieder kiffen, hau ich mir 'ne Axt ins Bein.
Ich will nie mehr Lügen, ich will jeden Satz auch so meinen.
Mir platzt der Kopf, alles muss ich verändern.
Ich such’ den Knopf, treffe die mächtigen Männer.
Zwing’ das Land zum Glück, kaufe Banken und Sender.
Alles spielt verrückt, zitternde Schafe und Lämmer.
Ich seh’ besser aus als Bono, und bin 'n Mann des Volkes.
Bereit’ die Welt zu retten, auch wenn das vielleicht zu viel gewollt ist.
Hey-, alles glänzt-, so schön neu.
Hey-, wenn's dir nicht gefällt, mach neu! (Hou...)
Hier- ist -die -Luft -verbraucht, das Atmen fällt mir schwer.
Bye Bye ich muss hier raus, die Wände kommen näher.
Die -Welt- mit -Staub- bedeckt, doch- ich- will -sehn -wo's -hingeht.
Steig auf den Berg aus Dreck, weil oben frischer Wind weht.
Hey-, alles glänzt-, so schön neu. HEY!!
(AntonyB. And Seeed)
Waan back we Waterpumpee, wi cool and deadly we
go dance with die ladies
Dem a dance ya too funky- make man a move inna di dance
Like junkie we..
Waan back we Waterpumpee, wi cool and deadly we
go dance with die ladies
Dem a dance ya too funky-got shot a buz
Ihr hört und hyperhifistereo oder muffiges Desaster
auf´m Tape fressenden Blaaster
singen tun wir sowieso
vielleicht könnt ihrs erahnen
zwischen Brosis und Bin Laden,
wir die Homies sein,
denn wir sind nicht gern allein
der eine braucht nur sein´ TV,
wir brauchen die Family
In diesen eisigen Zeiten voll von durchgeknallten Leuten
Ist es unser Job die heißen Hooks und Zeilen zu verbreiten
Du bist hart, du willst streiten kriegst´n halbsteifen beim fighten
Geh doch in die USA und Feier da, geh Bullen reiten
Geh bloß uns nicht auf´n Sack, weil du zu feige bist zu tanzen
Zieh die teure Jacke aus, du Körperklaus- zeig was kannstn?
Wir mooven gut in jedem Look im freshen und verranztem
Du mit deinem Benni Miles schockst die Vorstadt promenanzen yes we
See hip shake watch your shape...
No turn back...
Und hier Peter Fox...ein Klassic aus 2008... Unser Ankerlied, 2011! -- Hey! alles glänzt!
Ich verbrenne mein Studio, schnupfe die Asche wie Koks.
Ich erschlag’ meinen Goldfisch, vergrab ihn im Hof.
Ich jag’ meine Bude hoch, alles was ich hab’ lass’ ich los. (Eh...)
Mein altes Leben, schmeckt wie 'n labriger Toast.
Brat mir ein Pracht-Steak, Peter kocht jetzt feinstes Fleisch.
Bin das Update, Peter Fox 1.1.
Ich will abshaken, feiern, doch mein Teich ist zu klein.
Mir wächst 'ne neue reihe Beißer wie bei 'nem weissen Hai. (Hou...)
Gewachst, gedoped, poliert, nagelneue Zähne.
Ich bin euphorisiert, und habe teure Pläne.
Ich kaufe mir Baumaschinen, Bagger und Walzen und Kräne.
Stürze mich auf Berlin und drück’ auf die Sirene.
Ich baue schöne Boxentürme, Bässe massieren eure Seele.
Ich bin die Abrissbirne für die d-d-d-deutsche Szene.
Hey-, alles glänzt-, so schön neu.
Hey, wenn's dir nicht gefällt, mach neu! (Hou...)
Die Welt mit Staub bedeckt, doch ich will seh’n wo's hingeht.
Steig auf den Berg aus Dreck, weil oben frischer Wind weht!
Hey-, alles glänzt-, so schön neu.
Ich hab’ meine alten Sachen satt, und lass sie in 'nem Sack verrotten.
Motte die Klamotten ein, und dann geh’ ich nackt shoppen.
Ich bin komplett renoviert, Bräute haben was zu glotzen.
Kerngesund, durchtrainiert, Weltmeister im Schach und Boxen.
Nur noch konkret reden, gib mir ein ja oder nein.
Schluss mit Larifari, ich lass all die alten Faxen sein.
Sollt' ich je wieder kiffen, hau ich mir 'ne Axt ins Bein.
Ich will nie mehr Lügen, ich will jeden Satz auch so meinen.
Mir platzt der Kopf, alles muss ich verändern.
Ich such’ den Knopf, treffe die mächtigen Männer.
Zwing’ das Land zum Glück, kaufe Banken und Sender.
Alles spielt verrückt, zitternde Schafe und Lämmer.
Ich seh’ besser aus als Bono, und bin 'n Mann des Volkes.
Bereit’ die Welt zu retten, auch wenn das vielleicht zu viel gewollt ist.
Hey-, alles glänzt-, so schön neu.
Hey-, wenn's dir nicht gefällt, mach neu! (Hou...)
Hier- ist -die -Luft -verbraucht, das Atmen fällt mir schwer.
Bye Bye ich muss hier raus, die Wände kommen näher.
Die -Welt- mit -Staub- bedeckt, doch- ich- will -sehn -wo's -hingeht.
Steig auf den Berg aus Dreck, weil oben frischer Wind weht.
Hey-, alles glänzt-, so schön neu. HEY!!
voXXclub singt UNSER LIED: Rosamunde!
Rosamunde beginnt nach dem Geburtstagslied zu Claudia , ungefaehr in der 2. Minute:
Hier ein neuer Version des Lieblingslied: ROCK mi...
Noch ein schoenes voXXclub Lied:
He mein Maedel, wollen wir tanzen??
Die Nacht gehoert uns zwei...
UND: Ein kleines Kind... mit Florian Silbereisen
(Ich will verstehen, genau welche Jungen immer noch in der voXXclub Band sind; bin immer noch nicht sicher...)
Alle sechs Mitglieder interviewen, ueber Oktoberfest, ueber ihr Wiesenhit, und ueber Wiesen-Maedls (Bayrisch: Maedchen / in "Bavarian: Girls"). Interessant.
Hier ein neuer Version des Lieblingslied: ROCK mi...
Noch ein schoenes voXXclub Lied:
He mein Maedel, wollen wir tanzen??
Die Nacht gehoert uns zwei...
UND: Ein kleines Kind... mit Florian Silbereisen
(Ich will verstehen, genau welche Jungen immer noch in der voXXclub Band sind; bin immer noch nicht sicher...)
Alle sechs Mitglieder interviewen, ueber Oktoberfest, ueber ihr Wiesenhit, und ueber Wiesen-Maedls (Bayrisch: Maedchen / in "Bavarian: Girls"). Interessant.
New York Times
The Leadership Revival
If you are in politics or public life, you probably had some moment of spine-tingling transcendence. Maybe you read the Declaration of Independence or watched the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s mountaintop sermon, or read Nelson Mandela’s 1964 speech from the dock.
Suddenly, your imagination was inflamed beyond its normal scope. You were enveloped by this epic sense that public life could be truly heroic. The people who issue these statements brought their lives to a glorious point, pledging their sacred honor, offering to sacrifice their lives for some public mission.
You got into public life inspired by something like that. But how do you execute that sort of vision? How do you translate the poetry of high aspiration into the prose of effective governance? This is the common problem today. Most people go into public life for the right reasons, but government doesn’t work. The quality of the people is high, but the quality of leadership is low.
I’d suggest three responses.
First, apprentice yourself to a master craftsman. Find yourself a modern version of Ted Kennedy cobbling together a Senate majority. Find yourself some silent backstage official, who knows how to slide ideas through the bureaucracy. Glue yourself to that person in order to learn the craft of governance.
Schools are good at transmitting what the philosopher Michael Oakeshott called technical knowledge. This is the sort of knowledge that can be expressed in rules and put down in books — like the recipes in a cookbook.
But craftsmen possess and transmit practical knowledge. This sort of knowledge, Oakeshott says, exists only in use. It cannot be taught, only imparted by imitation and experience. It’s knowing when to depart from the cookbook; how much, when running a meeting, to let the conversation flow and how much to rein it in.
Practical knowledge is hard to see, but it is embedded in traditions of behavior. It is embedded in the lives of older legislators and public servants, and it is passed down by imitation to the younger ones. This craft of governing well has been forsaken and disrespected, but you will not be effective in public life unless you find a wise old person who will teach you the tricks of the trade, hour after hour, side by side.
Second, take a reality bath. Go off and become a stranger in a strange land. Go off to some alien part of this country or the world. Immerse yourself in the habits and daily patterns of that existence and stay there long enough to get acculturated. Stay there long enough so that you forget the herd mentality of our partisan culture.
When you return home, you will look at your own place with foreign eyes. You’ll see the contours of your own reality more clearly. When you return to native ground, you’re more likely to possess the sort of perceptiveness that Isaiah Berlin says is the basis of political judgment.
This sort of wisdom consists of “a special sensitiveness to the contours of the circumstances in which we happen to be placed; it is a capacity for living without falling foul of some permanent condition or factor which cannot be either altered, or even fully described.” This wisdom is based on a tactile awareness of your country and its people — what they want, how they react. You don’t think this awareness. You feel it. You experience a visceral oneness with culture and circumstance — the smell of the street, tinges of anger and hope and aspiration. The irony is that you are more likely to come into union with your own home culture after you have been away from it. You have to walk away from the partisan tunnel vision to see how things really are.
Finally, close off your options. People in public life live in a beckoning world. They have an array of opportunities. They naturally want to keep all their options open. The shrewd strategists tell them to make a series of tepid commitments to see what pans out. Hedge your bets. Play it smart.
But the shrewd strategy leads to impotence. You spread yourself thin. You dissipate your energies and never put full force behind any cause. You make your own trivial career the object of your attention, not the vision that inspired you in the first place.
The public official who does this leaves no mark. Only the masters of renunciation leave an imprint, only those who can say a hundred Nos for the sake of an overwhelming Yes. Only the person who has burned the ships and committed to one issue has the courage to cast aside the advice of the strategists and actually push through change.
We live in a nation of good people and ineffective government. I don’t know if these tactics will improve the quality of the nation’s leadership, but something has to.
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Vorbild sein
3 Guesses: What does it mean: Vorbild sein? Why is the word "Kinder" (ok: its dative plural form) included in the text? Certainly their images are also there.
Do you think these signs are effective?
Clue: ,,Vorbild" is NOT "hero."
Generalization: German kids don't tend to have the same hero worship thing going on as we do in the USA. Would you agree?
-- Anybody want to take a stab at justifying / explaining that statement?
Saturday, January 11, 2014
The future belongs to those who speak three languages
From ESL Language Studies August 28, 2013 at 10:22 am
According to the European Union, “multilingual citizens are better placed to take advantage of the educational, professional and economic opportunities created by an integrated Europe”. That’s why the ability to speak three languages is the major goal of European language policy.Whatever you think of bailouts, bonds, rebates and agricultural policies, the EU is definitely on to something with this. According to a 2012 report, more than seven in ten Europeans agree that people in the EU should be able to speak more than one language in addition to their mother tongue. And yet, at present, only a quarter of Europeans can do that.

The European Union’s policy proposes that every citizen should speak their mother tongue, a neighbouring language and a third, international language. For most people, this international language will be English. Although this is never specified – a core of French-speaking individuals hold power in European language policy – the 2012 report confirms that two thirds of Europeans (67%) consider English as one of the two most useful languages for themselves. That’s significantly more than German (17%), French (16%), Spanish (14%) and Chinese (6%).
Multilingualism gives you access to the world. Countries where the main language is spoken by relatively few people recognised this a long time ago, which is why the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland have some of the highest rates of multilingualism in Europe. Their economies have also been consistently among the strongest in Europe in recent decades. Perhaps with this in mind, newer member states such as Slovenia, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia are now among the most multilingual of all, with more than 50% of respondents in each country able to speak three languages.
In contrast, countries with a dominant official language that has a large number of native speakers have not been so proactive in encouraging multilingualism. Britain, France, Portugal, Italy and Spain are all well below the European average when it comes to multilingualism. Their economies have also been suffering for much of the last decade. That’s not to suggest that the cause for the countries’ economic problems has been a lack of language skills, but perhaps that the approach to languages could reflect something larger; perhaps to do with global outlook. Germany and Austria, both officially monolingual countries, have suffered less in the recent economic turmoil, and both have higher rates of multilingualism. Their economic strength has been based on exports.
Some top international business schools also have requirement of multilingualism. For example INSEAD, with its main campus near Paris and offshoots in Singapore and Abu Dhabi, requires proficiency in at least two languages (including English) and clearly states that “the ability to communicate in more than one language will give you a competitive advantage in the global marketplace and enable you to work effectively across multiple cultures.”
On an individual level, each language you speak opens up new places to travel, new people to meet and new possibilities for work. One of the most interesting trends to come out of the economic turmoil in Europe since 2010 has been an unprecedented flow of talented, educated young people out of Southern Europe and into the strong economies of Germany and Austria. 45,000 Italians moved to Germany in 2012, as well as 37,000 Spanish and 35,000 Greeks. Global companies may offer English-speaking working environments, but most of the new arrivals will need to speak German. With the ability to speak their mother tongue, English and German, these new arrivals would have a significantly easier time finding work that matches their qualifications.
So those are the cold, hard stats behind multilingualism, but there are less tangible advantages too. For example, when you are able to speak more languages, you’re able to interact with more people and understand their realities. Each language is a lens through which we view the world and three lenses are better than two! Speaking English will allow you to communicate with almost two billion people around the world but that still leaves another 5 billion.
The future belongs to those who speak three languages, so don’t settle for two!
Find out more about language courses worldwide.
EU LANGUAGES AND LANGUAGE POLICY, http://ec.europa.eu/languages/languages-of-europe/
EUROPEANS AND THEIR LANGUAGES, Special Eurobarometer 386, June 2012 http://ec.europa.eu/languages/languages-of-europe/eurobarometer-survey_en.htm
WEITER HOHE ZUWANDERUNG NACH DEUTSCHLAND IM JAHR 2012, Statistisches Bundesamt, https://www.destatis.de/DE/PresseService/Presse/Pressemitteilungen/2013/05/PD13_156_12711.html
Friday, January 10, 2014
Das verlassene Dorf in NRW, Borschemich
Wie alt ist Nikolas?
Was macht er am liebsten auf dem Bauernhof seines Grossvaters?
Will er gern umziehen?
Wer sonst muss umziehen?
Wie alt ist Nikolas?
Was macht er am liebsten auf dem Bauernhof seines Grossvaters?
Will er gern umziehen?
Wer sonst muss umziehen?
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Jugendfilm: Die Bruecke, Oscar Gewinner
Habt ihr diesen Film aus 1959 gesehen?
Dieser Film zeigt den Krieg von einer Jugendperspektive.
Dieser Film zeigt den Krieg von einer Jugendperspektive.
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Germany's Southwestern dialect: Alemanisch
Listen to the many sounds of Alemanisch provided by the Muettersproch Gsellschaft!
(the regions for the sources for both the Rhein and Donau rivers).
Here are the English versions of the sentences they share with us:
1. Here we can also speak Alemanisch.
2. It's starting to rain.
3. Come on down, there's someone here.
4. You mustn't believe everything that people say.
5. There over the narrow creek is a tall tree.
6. You've added to little salt to the potatoes. They're completely .....
7. I'm going apple-picking.
8. Come here. There are blueberries and raspberries.
9. The cellar is dark, but the floor is dry.
10. We eat corn salad and red cabbage with a fork.
11. They celebrated the parish fair like a wedding.
12. You should leave her alone.
13. In the little room are flowers which should be watered.
14. Don't be so curious. You'll be able to see it a thousand times.
(the regions for the sources for both the Rhein and Donau rivers).
Here are the English versions of the sentences they share with us:
1. Here we can also speak Alemanisch.
2. It's starting to rain.
3. Come on down, there's someone here.
4. You mustn't believe everything that people say.
5. There over the narrow creek is a tall tree.
6. You've added to little salt to the potatoes. They're completely .....
7. I'm going apple-picking.
8. Come here. There are blueberries and raspberries.
9. The cellar is dark, but the floor is dry.
10. We eat corn salad and red cabbage with a fork.
11. They celebrated the parish fair like a wedding.
12. You should leave her alone.
13. In the little room are flowers which should be watered.
14. Don't be so curious. You'll be able to see it a thousand times.
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Understanding Dialects: Let's Start by exploring dialects in the USA!
Joshua Katz at NC State has put together dialect maps in the USA.
On his website, you can learn where you best fit in as an English speaker. (I found it interesting.)
A link at the top of this site
brings you to 122 questions from a Harvard study on pronunciation, the results of which are illustrated by Katz.
One surprise for me was to learn that several phrases I thought I'd picked up north of Boston were attributed primarily to speakers in Madison Wisconsin.
On his website, you can learn where you best fit in as an English speaker. (I found it interesting.)
A link at the top of this site
brings you to 122 questions from a Harvard study on pronunciation, the results of which are illustrated by Katz.
One surprise for me was to learn that several phrases I thought I'd picked up north of Boston were attributed primarily to speakers in Madison Wisconsin.
Friday, January 3, 2014
BBC: Angela Merkel
The extraordinary story behind the public image ...
"She matters more to our future than ... 95% of British politicians." Program Host
You'll hear Wagner's music throughout.
"She matters more to our future than ... 95% of British politicians." Program Host
You'll hear Wagner's music throughout.
Digital Grotesque: Kunst mit 3D Drucker vom Voxeljet aus Augsburg
From Newsweek: Jan 3, 2014 Issue
...The printer, designed by the German company Voxeljet, can etch with accuracy up to .13 mm layer resolution, meaning that it can essentially replicate the handiwork - if not the divine inspiration - of a master Renaissance craftsman. Hence the Grotto's ubiquitous folds, curves, and contortions, which look like the ancient growths of an alabaster cave.
...Hansmeyer and Dillenburger spent a year crafting the algorithms that would create 260 million baroque surfaces in this exhibition.
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Deutsch lernen mit Deutsche Welle: Einshoch6: Bandtagebuch
Wer macht was?
- Kurt Achatz
- Tobbz Baum
- Lorenz Blaumer
- Jakob Haas
- Sabastian Hollunder
- Andreas Hiermeyer
- Thomas Sporrer
- Carl Amadeus Hiller
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