Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Dangers of Printing Money

--> Anybody else concerned about the Federal Reserve's "generous" money printing activities at present?

The Dangers of Printing Money

--> How do you suppose our vast investors feel about holding onto US Dollars, when they are continuously being devalued?

--> What happens when our investors suddenly lose interest in holding onto our debt, and "cash out" (demand that we settle up)?

--> How long do you suppose it took before the balance in Germany in the '20's suddenly shifted?


  1. I hope USA doesn't print to much money because that would end very badly.

  2. Our national debt is currently at about 14.1 trillion dollars and the scary part is that the debt is just increasing. No matter what we do, we can not raise money fast enough to make a difference. The next step will be to cancel any government funding and that might cause a lot of trouble. I bet the investors are not to exicted to be helping us with the huge amount of debt that we have. If we are not careful they might just decide we are too much trouble. I bet it took Germany many years to pay off their post-war debts. When they printed the money it just made it worse and very quickly as well.

  3. Bret thats a little to late we have already printed allittle to much, and guess wat we keep on doing if you guesss printing more you are correct but if you guess wrong YOU ARE THE WEAKEST LINK GOODBYE!:)

  4. Printing more money could end in really bad economic status...US shouldn't be the only country stopping printing of money and bills.

  5. We shouldn't be taking economic advise from our german teacher

  6. We might be in deep trouble soon

  7. The way most currencies are set up, every dollar in circulation is a dollar of debt. The best explanation of the system I've seen so far is a movie called "Zeitgeist Addendum", which you can find here:
    It's really interesting and kind of scary seeing how the economy actually works.

  8. The more money we (or any nation for that matter) print could bring us dangerously close to inflation which could to the dollars worth going down and take us into an economic crisis.
