Saturday, February 12, 2011

Generate Love Letters in GERMAN!?

Here are some guidelines for when you check out THIS LINK.

(An appropriately generated, printed, AND TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH, letter will receive extra credit.)

Wer ist die geliebte Person?
1. NAME: (Who is the one you love?) Write your Valentine's nickname
2. Geschlecht: (male or female?) select your Valentine's gender.
Über dich
3. NAME: (Wie heißt du?) Write your nickname
4. Geschlecht: (male or female) Select your own gender
Der Liebesbrief = The Love Letter
5. Art (Type)
----> Zaghaft (tentative) THIS ONE IS RECOMMENDED!
----> Normal; ---->Stürmisch(passionate) THIS ONE IS NOT RECOMMENDED!
6. Länge (Length)
----> Kurz (short) THIS ONE IS RECOMMENDED (for appropriateness and legibility)!
----> Mittel (medium) ----> Lange THIS ONE USES DIFFICULT VOCABULARY.

Options on the RIGHT:
7. Select Augenfarbe (eye color); Haarfarbe (hair color); Körperteile (appealing physical feature) Hobby/Interesse (!); an adjective; and also an activity to do together, choosing among the following:
-- Eis essen (eat ice cream);
-- ins Café gehen (go to a café);
-- ins Kino gehen (go to the movies);
-- Italienisch essen (eat Italian);
-- kuscheln (snuggle);
-- plaudern (chat);
-- spazieren gehen (take a walk);
-- Urlaub machen (go on vacation).

Final options:
8. "Liebesbrief generieren" Klicke hier, wenn du fertig bist! Click this when you are done with the above.
9. Print! (If it doesn't print in your browser, then you can paste the text into a document for printing.)
10. Übersetz den Brief! (Translate the letter!) If you need help translating a word or two, use LEO
11. To keep these letters appropriate for our class, NO CREDIT WILL BE GIVEN FOR LETTERS GENERATED WITH
--> "stürmisch" in #5,
--> OR with "schlafen" or "duschen" AS "AKTIVITÄTEN" in #7;
--> OR computer generated TRANSLATIONS.

Alles klar? Dann viel Spaß!


  1. This was a fun assignment. I was able to give the card to my dad even though he had no idea what it said. I think he appreciated the thought.

  2. Hilfe! Wer ist diese Catie? Käthe G? Cäthe M? Katja B? Sonst noch jemand?
    Frau B

  3. Man I didn't get to do this project cause i was in iss

  4. I don't remember if we ever did this project.
