Nanny and the “Kinder Eggs”
By Bruce McQuain on 04/25/2011 – 4:14 am PDT -- Opinion
I hope everyone one had a bright and sunny Easter (or Passover) weekend and were able to enjoy it with their family and friends. Wasn't it nice to take a day off from just about everything?
Well, Mark Steyn’s kids apparently didn’t get the opportunity to enjoy it in the way they wished. Apparently as the family tried to reenter the US from Canada, one sharp-eyed US border agent protected them from something that they didn’t even realize was a threat. Yes, friends, Nanny took away the kid’s “Kinder Eggs” to protect them from a potential choking hazard:
Late last night, crossing the Quebec/Vermont border, my children had two boxes of “Kinder Eggs” (“Est. Dom. Value $7.50″) confiscated by Customs & Border Protection.
Don’t worry, it’s for their own safety. I had no idea that the United States is the only nation on the planet (well, okay, excepting North Korea and Saudi Arabia and one or two others) to ban Kinder Eggs. According to the CBP:
Kinder Chocolate Eggs are hollow milk chocolate eggs about the size of a large hen’s egg usually packaged in a colorful foil wrapper. They are a popular treat and collector’s item during holiday periods in various countries around the world, including those in Europe, South America and even Canada. A toy within the egg is contained in an oval-shaped plastic capsule. The toy requires assembly and each egg contains a different toy. Many of the toys that have been tested by the Consumer Product Safety Commission in the past were determined to present a choking hazard for young children.
And yet oddly enough generations of European and Latin American children remain unchoked. (Gotta love that “even Canada”, by the way: Is that an implied threat that Kinder Egg consumption is incompatible with participation in NORAD or membership of NAFTA?)
Obviously Nanny doesn’t feel that Steyn is enough of a parent to supervise his children’s consumption of this confection and the CPC, enforced by the CBP have decided no parent in the US is qualified or should be allowed to have this product. Steyn is obviously an unfit parent just for allowing the little tykes to buy the eggs, no?
And just to make you feel safer, they keep stats of how many eggs they’ve confiscated, because, you know, it’s all "for the children". Always nice to be able to tout how vigilant you’ve been with confiscating kid’s confections even while the border remains a super-highway for illegal immigrants:
The Food and Drug Administration has issued an import alert for Kinder Eggs, because they are a confectionery product with a non-nutritive object imbedded in it. As in years past, CBP, the Food and Drug Administration and CPSC work in close collaboration to ensure the safety of imported goods by examining, sampling and testing products that may present such import safety hazards. Last year, CBP officers discovered more than 25,000 of these banned chocolate eggs. More than 2,000 separate seizures were made of this product.
I assume some smart bureaucrat will at some point translate that into a claim the lives of 25,000 children have been saved, or? Might they use that to try to justify their intrusion into the parenting role? (-- Not that they’ve felt a need to justify that in the past; I wonder what Nanny thinks of Cracker Jacks?)
Be thankful today: Nanny is on the case, and Kinder Eggs shall not touch your child’s lips. Let's all exhale. Don't we feel safer? More secure? ~McQ
--> Wer ist "Nanny" hier?
--> Hast du je ein Kinder Ei bekommen?
--> (Have you ever a "Kinder Egg" received?)
--> Glaubst du, dass sie echt gefährlich sind?
--> (Believe you, that they truly dangerous are?)
(-- Do you believe the US Customs Office stats about how many Kindereier people try to "smuggle" into the country?)
I remember having some of those after my grandfather would bring them back from Switzerland. They had penguin figurines in them though.
ReplyDeleteAnd I can't believe they would confiscate them!!
thats to bad. I remmember when i when to germany and my dad i will buy you 1 kinder eier for every police you see, and that day there was many police men. i had so much kinder eier. Ich liebe kinder Eier.
ReplyDeleteKinder chocolate is amazing. My step dad would bring 'em back from Germany when he was there for business. One of my favorite chocolates. Next to Ritter Sport.
ReplyDeleteWhen Hannah came over she brought gifts for everyone in my family and Kinder Eggs was inculded in the gifts for my sister and I. From my eggs I got a turlte lying on its back and a monkey throwing a banana. They are both really cute! I really don't see how they are dangerous. The toy is wrapped in plastic like the toys you get from McDonalds. That toy is then in a styrofoam egg. I think you would notice biting into one of those. It amazes me to see that so many people try to bring them to the U.S. and have them confiscated.
ReplyDeleteI USED TO GET THEM ALL THE TIME! Before 9/11 so they were never consficated. I had family who lived in Turkey on some government bisnuess. They lived there for like 5 or more years. and would come back sometimes but for the most time. I used to love getting these..
ReplyDeleteMy grandpa would always buy these for me whenever he went to germany.. it has to be the best chocolate ever!
ReplyDeleteKinder eggs sind sehr gut. Ich liebe!!!!
ReplyDeleteWo kann man die Kindereier in Los Angeles kaufen?
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