Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Do-Re-Mi: Antwerp, Belgien
--> Wer hätte vielleicht Lust so was selbst zu plannen? Wo? Wann! Mit wem?
(Who perhaps might be interested in planning something like this themselves? Where? When? With whom?)
Das Klavier - ein kurzer Trickfilm
--> Wie wichtig ist Bilanz in einem Leben?
--> Welche Erinnerungen sind Einem am wichtigsten?
--> Hilft es diese Perspektive zu haben, wenn man das eigene Leben aufbaut?
Monday, November 29, 2010
Udo Jürgens singt: Merry Christmas allerseits
What--- can---YOU -from --this --- song -- understand?
Der Text ist halb (half) Englisch und halb Deutsch!
MERRY CHRISTMAS ALLERSEITS (-- Everybody, on all sides!)
When the snow falls wunderbar
Und die Kinder happy are,
When the Glatteis on the street, - Glatteis = black ice
Und wir einen Glühwein need,
Dann you know, es ist soweit:
Sie ist hier, die Weihnachtszeit.
Every Parkhaus ist besetzt, bezetzen = to be occupied
Weil die people fahren jetzt weil = because
All zu KAUFHOF; MEDIAMARKT; (= 2 popular stores in German)
Kriegen nearly Herzinfarkt. • Herzinfarkt = heart attack
Shopping hirnverbrannte things hirnverbrannte = preposterous
Und die Weihnachtsglocke rings. > Glocke = bell /s
CHOR: Hear the music (x3) see the lights!
Frohe Weihnacht, Frohe Weihnacht,
Merry Christmas allerseits!
Mutti in der Küche bakes die Küche = the kitchen
Schoko-, Nuss- and Mandelkeks der Mandelkeks = almond cookie!
Vater in dem Nebenraum der Raum = room; neben = next to
Schmücks ‘nen Riesen-Weihnachtsbaum schmücken = to decorate; der Riesen = giant
Er ist hanging auf the balls,
Dann er von dem Leiter falls... der Leiter = the ladder
Finally the Kinderlein Here: die Kinderlein (PLURAL) = little kids
To the Zimmer kommen rein herein kommen = come in
Und es singt die family
Schauerlich: "Oh, Chistmastree!" schauerlich = eerily
Und the jeder in dem Haus jeder = everybody
Packte die Geschenke aus. (PLURAL) Geschenke auspacken
= to unwrap gifts
Mama finds unter der Tanne
Eine brand new Teflon-Pfanne,
Vati gets a Schlips und Socken,
Everybody does frohlocken. frohlocken = rejoices: shouts: Juchhe!
President speaks in TV,
All around ist Harmonie,
Bis mother in the kitchen runs: bis = until
Im Ofen burns the Weihnachtsgans. (,,Wackelschwanz heisst meine -Gans”)
Und so kommt die Feuerwehr die Feuerwehr = Fire department
Mit Tatü-tata daher, (Tatü-tata = trumpet sounds)
Und they bring a lang, lang Schlauch der Schlauch = hose
Und ‘nen lang, lang Leiter auch. • Leiter = ladder
Und they schrei - "Wasser marsch!", der Marsch = march
Christmas ist - now im - Eimer... im Eimer = in the bucket; down the drain.
--> What do you think happens in this song?
--> How might you classify this piece of music?
--> Does Udo Jürgens remind you of any musicians in the USA?
Sankt Martins Umzug (Parade)
--> Can you make out what this theme of this year's parade is?
--> What does our young scout think about Tokio Hotel? (How does this band feature in the parade?)
--> Is the reenactment in the town square with the Roman Soldiers his favorite part?
--> Does he intend to burn his lantern in the bonfire at the end?
Nürnberger Weihnachtsengel
The welcoming poem she recites takes only a few minutes, but they are exciting ones for everyone attending the Opening.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
In der Weihnachtsbäckerei
Sing mit?
Hier, der Text:
CHOR In der Weihnachtsbäckerei
gibt es manche Leckerei
Zwischen Mehl und Milch
macht so mancher Knilch
eine riesengroße Kleckerei.
----- In der Weihnachtsbäckerei
1. Wo ist das Rezept geblieben
von den Plätzchen, die wir lieben?
wer hat das Rezept -- verschleppt
Na, dann müssen wir es packen
einfach frei nach Schnauze backen
Schmeißt den Ofen an -- ‘ran!
----- In der Weihnachtsbäckerei....
2. Brauchen wir nicht Schokolade,
Zucker, Honig und Succade
und ein bischen Zimt? -- das stimmt.
Butter, Mehl und Milch verrühren
zwischendurch einmal probieren
und dann kommt das Ei -- vorbei.
----- In der Weihnachtsbäckerei ...
3. Bitte mal zur Seite treten,
denn wir brauchen Platz zum kneten
Sind die Finger rein? -- du Schwein!
Sind die Plätzchen, die wir stechen,
erstmal auf den Ofenblechen,
warten wir gespannt -- verbrannt.
----- In der Weihnachtsbäckerei ...
die Bäckerei the bakery
manche Leckerei many delicacies
zwischen between
das Mehl flour
der Knilch the jerk
riesengroße gigantic
der Klecks smudge
die Kleckerei mess; spillage
das Rezept recipe
die Plätzchen cookies
verschleppen to carry off; hide
packen grapple
frei nach Schnauze backen: bake by nose / instinct
schmeißen to bash
heran (‘ran) GO for it!
der Zucker, Honig sugar, honey (& sugar)
der Zimt cinnamon
das stimmt that adds up
verrühren to stir
zwischen (durch) in between (through)
probieren to try; taste
das Ei the egg
vorbei that’s done with
zur Seite treten to step to the side
kneten to knead (the dough)
rein pure / clean
stechen to poke / stab
das Ofenblech -en baking tin
gespannt tensely; curious; intent
verbrannt burnt
Die Weihnachtsmärkte sind schon offen! Juchhe!
Ein Weihnachtsmarkt ist nicht nur für shoppen. Was alles kann man dort machen?
Eigentlich gibt es HUNDERTE von diesen Märkten. In gewissen Städten gibt es mehrere.
Die Deutschen Innenstädte sind in Dezember einfach bezaubernd. Wo möchtest Du am liebsten mit deinen Freunden treffen?
Ein paar mehr Fotos HIER
Warte nun.... (Wait a bit for the photos to load... then either read where each photo comes from, or close the explanation and enjoy the photos without partial text overlay.)
Welcher Adventskalender ist am Schönsten?

Hier sind 30 Fotos mit Adventskalender! ADVENTSKALENDER
Welcher Kalender findest du am aller Schönsten? Warum?
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Obama awards Merkel the Medal of Freedom

Updated: 10:23, Thursday Nov. 18, 2010
U.S. President Barack Obama has awarded German Chancellor Angela Merkel the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honour in the United States.
'These outstanding honorees come from a broad range of backgrounds and they've excelled in a broad range of fields, but all of them have lived extraordinary lives that have inspired us, enriched our culture, and made our country and our world a better place,' Obama said in a statement on Wednesday.
Obama noted that Merkel 'is the first woman and first East German to serve as chancellor of a unified Germany' and 'has often said that freedom is the happiest experience of her life.'
The ceremony will take place early next year.
Others who will be receiving the award with Merkel include:
former president George HW Bush;
legendary investor Warren Buffett;
poet Maya Angelou;
American artist Jasper Johns;
celebrated cellist Yo-Yo Ma;
former baseball star Stan Musial;
former basketball star Bill Russell;
former labor federation leader John Sweeney;
Representative John Lewis, a longtime civil rights activist;
John Adams, co-founder of the Natural Resources Defense Council environmental advocacy group.
HARRY POTTER 7 Teil 1 --Deutsches TV Spot
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Deutschlernen in der Grundschule - weiter
Sun, Nov.21’10 School system tweaking German language program By: Kelli Gauthier Chattanooga Times Free Press
Hamilton County Schools has a month or so to find a new way to teach German to children of Volkswagen employees who eventually plan to return home.
Until this point, German students in several public schools have been pulled out of class for at least an hour a day to be given German language instruction. The program, designed to keep students from being behind academically when they move back to Germany, was part of the deal negotiated by Volkswagen and city and county officials.
But the state Department of Education has told Hamilton County school officials that they need to change the way the students are taught German. The department said it expects a new system to be implemented by January.
"We knew this would be a short-term fix," added Karla Riddle, magnet school director.
Tennessee Department of Education officials went along with the program initially so the school system could honor the agreement with Volkswagen, but they now have given the district options for a new approach.
"You run into a lot of issues ... because you're not providing those services to other students," said Dept of Ed spokeswoman Amanda Anderson.
German Immersion
Local school administrators said they want the hastily created German enrichment classes to shape future foreign language instruction in Hamilton County Schools.
For instance, at Brown Academy, where about 50 German students are enrolled, the district is piloting a two-way immersion program in which students in pre-K through 1st grade hear a lesson in English, then a similar lesson in German.
German teacher Tammy Collins originally was pretty skeptical, but she now calls the program "a wonderful success." Whether she's teaching math or English, the students usually understand her instruction and usually answer back in German, she said.
She said the American students even raise their hands to answer in German more often then their German counterparts.
"It works just like the research says it does," she said. "It's incredible. I think it's sort of a miraculous thing."
Alex Busbe, an American first-grader at Brown, said his German lessons are tough, but he's glad for them.
"German is hard because you have a lot of things on your mind that you're thinking of," the 7-year-old said. "It's really useful to visit other countries and understand what they're saying because you've been studying it."
Brown parent Marty Lowe said his kindergarten son, Mason, teaches him and his wife German vocabulary.
"He'll say, 'Daddy, do you know what 'cup' is in German?' Lowe said. "He's very engaged. Why not give them the opportunity at this age? ... The more they're given, the more they soak up and use."
The idea at Brown is to grow the program each year until every grade at the elementary school operates a two-way immersion program, Principal Lea Ann Burk said.
"We're trying to get the biggest bang for our buck," she said. "We wanted to make sure our American students got the benefit of being with the Germans, too, not just the Germans being with the Americans."
State legislators have introduced at least two bills that would require the Tennessee Board of Education to develop a statewide curriculum to teach foreign language all the way through elementary school, Riddle said.
The program is "always going to be tweaked," she said. "We need for our students to develop language skills in order for them to be competitive."
Und jetzt: Hier ist meine Antwort zu den 10 Kommentierungen zum Artikel vom 14. November "GERMAN SCHOOL WORTH SACRIFICE". Wie gesagt, war die Antwort zu lang. Deshalb wohnt diese Antwort jetzt auf diesem neuen "Blatt."
1. Sicher kann man mit 80 Jahren Sprachen lernen, nur nicht so schnell, als wie bei 8 Jahren. Ich stimme mit Mwilkins zu (zustimmen = to agree with): Wenn nur auch WIR vor dem Alter von 8 mit Sprachen lernen ANFANGEN KÖNNTEN, dann würden wir nicht nur besser Englisch lernen, sondern auch einfach besser LERNEN, zum Beispiel Mathe, die Wissenschaften (the sciences), andere Sprachen, und MEHR!
2. Du schreibst, Zach, über die langen vollen Schultagen, die wir schon haben. Gibt es jetzt genug Zeit für Mathe in der Schule? Ja?
--> Stimmt ihr alle auch zu?
Aber stellt ihr euch nur vor (just imagine), wie es euch in der Schule mit Mathe gehen würde, sollte ihr erst mit Mathe in der 8.-9. Klassen angefangen haben, wie es jetzt mit Fremdsprachen läuft. --> Was für Mathe könnt ihr dann in den 4 bleibenden Jahren der Oberschule lernen?
3. Sonja, Tatiana, und der Schneemann: Wenn die Eltern hier euch zustimmten, und dieses dem Schoolboard klar machten, dann würden AUCH WIR mit Fremdsprachen früher anfangen. Wir müssen wissen, was wir in der Schulen haben wollen.
Wie wäre es mit solch einem Plan?
--> Im Kindergarten: Das tägliche Wetterbericht auf Deutsch zu besprechen!
--> 1. Klasse: Sport auf Deutsch!
--> 2. Klasse: Musik auf Deutsch!
--> 3. Klasse: Geographie auf Deutsch!
--> 4. Klasse: Gesundheit (Health) auf Deutsch!
--> 5. Klasse: Mathe auf Deutsch!
--> 6. Klasse: Lesen / Schreiben auf Deutsch!; auch Englische und Deutsche Grammatik zu besprechen und vergleichen (to compare)!
4. Grace, Du bist ein glückliches Mädchen, viele Sprachen als Kind gelernt zu haben. Was lernt man über Dr. Gustav Nachtigal (der Deutsche “entdecker” Togos; 1884?) in Togo? Ich habe gelesen, dass Dr. Nachtigal (auf Englisch: Nightengale) heute ziemlich beliebt bleibt, denn er hatte eine echte Interesse in die Leute und auch die Pflanzen in Afrika. Stimmt das?
Am meisten HANDELTEN (traded) die Deutsch HANSE (Hanseatic League) mit den anderen Ländern, anstatt ihnen zu erobern (conquer). Sie kolonisierten sehr spät und wenig.
Es bleibt auch fest (it’s been determined), dass Deutschland nichts (oder fast nichts -- ?) mit der Menschenhandel (oder Sklavenhandel = slave trade) in Afrika zu tun hatten. Sklaven konnte man in Deutschland auch nicht besitzen (to own).
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Die wilden Kerle - Film 2 (von 5 Filmen!)
Hier ein Lied: Kohle (Slang for money: dough; moohlah; bread; bucks; greenbacks; ponies; ich glaube ihr versteht schon! Es geht um das GELD!)
Hier, den Film
Teil 1: Die wilden Kerle werden jeden Tag wilder!
der Schwur = the pledge
der Verräter = the traitor
ein Bastelverein für = a Craft Club for
Weihnachtsschmückern = Christmas-Decorators
(If you were forced to join this club, it would be the ultimate penalty; humiliation.)
die Vereinskasse = the club's cashbox
DFB = Deutsche-Fußball-Bund
UFA-Richtlinien = Guidelines
Notausgänge = emergency exits
Umkleide-Kabine = changing room
Nur über meine Leiche = ONLY over my corpse
die Angebot = the offer
die Kohle = "dough"
Teil 2: Bei der Bank (Leon spricht mit seinem echten Vater)
Und danach, bei der Eisdiehle (und beim Filmvater des Leons)
Wir treffen Gonzales, der blasse (pale) Vampire (der an seine Hexe, Staraja Riba hängt)
Hausarrest = detention
Teil 3: Ohne Vanessa werden wir am Samstag verlieren
Teil 4:
Theoretisch hat Raban alles im Griff = Theoretically, Raban has everything covered.
Teil 5: Leon und die wilden Kerle schreiben einen echten Liebesbrief .... ,,Mein netter Freund", Vanessa (hier ist Vanessa lustigerweise männlich)
Teil 6:
Teil 7: Jetzt geht das Spiel wirklich los!
Teil 8:
Teil 9: Jaschka und Raban durch den Rohr.... "Der Ball ist rund, und ein Spiel dauert neunzig Minuten!"
Viel Spaß !
Die wilden Kerle sagen immer die LUSTIGSTE Slangworte, wie ,,Verflixt", und ,,Kakeverdammte", und ,,Hottentotten-Albtraumnacht" (African nightmare)! Was noch?
Sunday, November 14, 2010
German School Worth Sacrifice!
Fairview German School Worth Sacrifice, Parents Say - Education News Story - WLWT Cincinnati
Saturday, November 13, 2010
STAR TREK: Extraterrestrial Communication

In time for Monday's Kick-Off of our school's 4th GAPP (German American Partnerhip Program) our Tw0-Way Exchange Partnership Program, let's see if we can work on understanding the phrase "language barrier."
Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 5 Episode 2 is called DARMOK.
In this episode we are introduced to a device that helps the crew understand and communicate with people of alien races. What is it?
Check the episode out HERE (at www.watchtrek.com)
You'll see a banner ad above a black screen. Give the episode a few moments to load.
See if you can answer the following questions, devised by teacher Wendy Clemons, Jackson, Mi.
(I suggest that you print them out so that they'll be on hand while you watch. Then you can hand them in to me, rather than including the answers below. Feel free to discuss any of the questions below, though.)
STAR TREK • The Next Generation • DARMOK
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Season 5 Episode 2
Section 1
1. What is the name of the race of people the Enterprise is called to visit?
A. The Tamok
B. The children of Tama
C. The people of El Adrell
D. The Darmoks
2. Picard says
"In my experience communication is a matter of ____________, imagination."
3. On which phrase is Picard transported to the planet?
A. Shaka when the walls fell
B. Darmok at Tenagra
C. Morab his sails unfurled
D. Darmok and Gilad at Tenagra
4. What does Capt. Dathon do when Picard first arrives on the planet El Adrell?
A. Salutes him with a knife
B. Attacks him with a knife
C. Offers him some food
D. Asks him to sit down
Section 2
5. Worf believes that Captain Picard was sent to the planet to
A. Offer a peace treaty
B. Make the crew of the Enterprise helpless
C. Take part in a contest
D. Receive a gift
6. When Captain Picard first arrives on the planet does he take the knife?
7. What emotion does Captain Dathon show here?
A. Anger
B. Sadness
C. Happiness
D. Fear
8. How does Captain Dathon offer Picard help?
A. Throws a stick of fire
B. Gives him some of his food
C. Lets him drink from the river
D. Loans him a blanket
Section 3
9. How do Data and Counselor Troi help?
A. They take a shuttle to the planet
B. They tell Commander Riker to fire on the other ship
C. They study the language
D. They visit the other ship
10. What possession of Captain Dathon's does Picard look at?
A. Jacket
B. Captain's log
C. Backpack
D. Knife collection
11. Counselor Troi says, "A single word could be_________".
12. What do you hear when Captain Dathon says, "Darmok and Gilad at Tenagra!"
A. A ship
B. Another Tamarian
C. A beast
D. A loud bang
Section 4
13. Why does Picard take the knife?
A. He needs to hunt for food
B. He's angry at Dathon
C. It might be worth money
D. He needs to defend himself
14. Does Picard want to be beamed out?
15. Which of the following phrases expresses a failure?
A. Shaka when the walls fell
B. Darmok and Gilad at Tenagra
C. Gilad on the ocean
D. The river Tamok
16. Captain Picard says, "I remember the________ but I don't understand."
17. Captain Picard realizes that the Tamarians are speaking
A. In circles
B. In slang
C. In metaphors
D. In subjunctive clauses
Section 5
18. What example does Counselor Troi use?
A. A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse
B. Juliet on her balcony
C. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times
D. Farewell, sweet prince
19. Data says "It's like understanding the ________ of a language but not the vocabulary".
20. Why does Captain Dathon want to hear a story?
A. He needs a distraction
B. He has some time to kill
C. He misses his home
D. He wants to hear something funny
Section 6
21. For what purpose did Captain Dathon bring Picard to El Adrell?
A. To fight
B. To discuss a peace agreement
C. To answer a riddle
D. To make a connection
22. How is war averted?
A. The Enterprise beams the Captain out
B. The Tamarians run away
C. Captain Picard communicates
D. Captain Picard saves Dathon
23. Captain Dathon sacrificed his life to
A. Open the door of communication
B. Force the Enterprise to back down
C. Allow the Federation to enter their system
D. Get Captain Picard down to the planet
24. At the end of the episode, what does Picard do?
A. Gives the knife to the Tamarians
B. Kills the beast
C. Gives a salute
D. Cries in his ready room
After you've watched DARMOK, consider weighing in on these discussion questions as contributed by teacher Bernie A. McKichen, of Sheboygan Falls, WI:
1. What does Captain Picard believe determines communication?
2. How does Commander Riker plan to rescue Captain Picard?
3. How do the two captains achieve their 1st breakthru in communicating with each other?
4. How do the Tamarians prevent the rescue attempt by the Enterpirse?
5. How many definitions exist in the computer for "Darmok?"
6. How do Data and Counselor Troi discover the meaning of "Darmok?"
7. How does Captain Picard realize the Tamarians communicate?
8. What example does Counselor Troi cite to show how the Tamarians communicate?
9. What does it represent?
10. What is the most important element of Tamarian speech?
11. Why can't the Enterprise crew use this information to communicate with the Tamarians?
12. What is "Tanagra?"
13. Why was Captain Picard brought to the planet by the Tamarians?
14. What story does Picard tell the Tamarian captain?
15. Why does he tell him this particular story?
16. What label does Captain Picard give the Tamarians?
17. What is Captain Picard reading at the end of the show and why?
Finally, here are a few additional things for you to consider:
1. Is Captain Dathon's sacrifice worth it? Why, or why not?
2. What did Captain Picard gain from this experience?
3. What do you think it would be like to go someplace where no one understood you?
4. Does this experience make you more likely to make an effort to get to know the foreign exchange students who come to our school?
5. How tempted might you be to join the German Club after school on the afternoon in which we invite NKHS's exchange and or foreign students to visit with us in February? -- Or to join us on an excursion with our visiting German Exchange Partners from Düren in April?
Eine Geschichte in einem Satz v. Hajo Schädlich
Fritz .....
Schade. Das Video bleibt jetzt Privat.
* Ort, wo 30,000 Behinderte von den Nazis ums Leben kamen.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Friday, November 4; Tuesday, November 9, 2010; Thursday, November 11
Since I didn't include the full correct address in last week's FRIDAY Newsletter, I have to keep pasting the correct address at the top of the blog. I intend to correct that this week.
please use this link: 6. NKHS OKTOBERFEST am 28. OKTOBER
-- Or, it the link isn't working, see another link to it posted at RIGHT -->
-- Or, click onto the October posts, where it's the 5th one from the top.
NKHS German Program
NKHS German Program
La Le Lu Heinz Rühmann singt ein Schlaflied
--> Wo ist die Mami?
--> Was will das Kind zum Geburtstag?
--> Ist das zu viel?
-- > Was ist dem Jungen egal?
Komm mit mir ins ABENTEUERLAND! Pur
Komm mit mir ins Abenteuerland!
Andere Lieder vom PUR!
• Ich lieb' dich (Ich hab' zwar lang gebraucht; gezögert.. Doch endlich muß es raus! Egal wie das klingt.)
• Nur zu dir (leider kein Bild dabei; Ich will nur zu dir!)
• Ganz egal (was du tust, und ganz egal wo du anfängst!)
• Dass es dir leid tut (Just tell me you're sorry! ... sag es mir; zeig es mir! Wir werden uns wieder verstehen)
-- > Animiert; mit Englischen Untertitel
• Ein graues Haar
• Es tut weh (It hurts)
• Wut im Bauch (Anger in the Gut... ohne Richtung, ohne Ziel... Benutz deine Wut!)
• Ruhe (Quiet ...Endlich, die Ruhe kehrt ein; Liebe braucht Pflege und Zeit..Dein Mund an meinem Ohr flüstert leise, diesen wunderbaren Schauer auf meiner Haut; Dein Herz an meiner Brust schlägt und atmet, diese wundervolle Lust dir ganz, ganz nah' zu sein.)
• Ungeheuer (Ich bin auch kein Ungeheuer - I am also no Monster- Du weisst nicht, ob ich bin, wie ich meine...alles gebe ich nicht her.)
• Im Gedanken (Im Memorium -- She was taken too early...Sie lebt in diesem Lied)
• Kowalski 5 (Svenja ist 6 Jahre alt und hat ein Problem) 30 Sekunden
• Kowalski 2
• Kowalski 3 (LIVE)
•Merlins Reise (Instrumental: One amazing guitar riff = Einer erstaunliche Gitarrenriff )
• Wenn sie diesen Tango hört (mit Text)
• Halt dich fest (komm hier in meine Arme; lass die Welt alleine draußen stehen...ich lass dich nie mehr gehen)
• Drachen sollen Fliegen (Dragons should fly...... Lass mich los! Lass mich endlich fliegen! Let me go! Finally - Let me fly!)
-->A sing-along
• Funkelperlenaugen (Du blitzt mich an mit deinen Funkelperlenaugen .. You blaze into me with your splendid sparkling eyes)
-- > Und? Was für einen Wert hat diese kleine Versammlung?