Monday, March 14, 2011

1848 vs. 2011

Interessant. Aus TIME MAGAZINE

--> Kannst du etwas ueber Deutschland, oder Oesterreich, hierin finden?

1848 vs. 2011


  1. I love Austria I have family that live there and I had learned to ski and snowboard there awhile back, it really is a great country with a fascinating history to it.

  2. Probably the biggest difference between today and 1848 is that today the revolutionaries have the support of Americans and Europeans, whereas the 1848 revolutionaries didn't have anybody to go to (the US at this time was strictly neutral, and the rest of Europe was tied up with their own problems).

  3. In 2011 its easier to get information across so the revelutionaires today can spread their word faster then the revolutionairies in 1848.

  4. Ich liebe die deutsche Geschichte lernen :D Es ist so kool, was vor langer Zeit passiert lernen.

  5. it's so easy to get ideas spread now with technology. Plus alot of countries were not democratic in 1848, so a dictatorship wasn't really frowned upon

  6. With the invention of computers, and the internet, I can get so much more information more efficiently than reading a book in a library. Not to say that libraries are not a good tool, there's just better books out there for us to utilize.
