Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Karneval in Gürzenich

This party takes place in a segment of Köln, not far from our partner city, Düren. The event has a pretty big-time feel.

This band: Die Höhner:

• The hosts of the party standing behind the band: The Dreigestirn, or Triumvirat (or 3-Guys), in costume. (These 3 guys really sing hard, don't they? And they're not even in the band.)
• The dialect (Koelsch) of the lyrics;
• How well the audience knows these lyrics, and participates in making the event festive;
• The medalions being worn by many, on stage and in the audience;
• The head-gear worn by many of the men.

--> What else do you notice?

Check THESE SAME THINGS OUT (!), while enjoying the musicianship and music of another one of the favorite Karneval groups: Die Brings. This segment is over 20 minutes long. You'll definitely get the feel for this party by sticking with it.

But Karneval isn't only celebrated inside. Let's take it to the streets of Köln. This parade lasts nearly all day long. The floats need to be this large to hold all the "Kamelle", or the sweets that the volunteers shower on the audience.

At the very end of this film you can get the feel of waiting for the many floats yet to come. Maybe my favorite street shot is at 9:13; there are over 10,000 parade participants; 124 different marching bands; at least 300,000 wrapped flower stems; over 150 TONS of sweets tossed out; at least a million folks in the audience -- for this unique parade.

MORE: , including several slide shows. . . .

You'll also be able to hear the Brings' Halleluja song a second time; maybe you'll bcome a fan (like I have). At the end of that song, ~ 6:00, imagine supporting a Funkemariechen like those blue/white partners do -- for so long-- until 6:40! And I have trouble holding my arm up to write on the chalkboard that long...

--> It must be a depiction of Lena spinning on the Eurovision float. (Why? Stay tuned for a future blog post...)

--> What all do you see being thrown to the crowds?

--> Do you suppose if you are crying "Kamelle" loudly enough, then someone will toss you something?

And finally, LISTEN HERE to this former Karneval Prinz, Kurt Görgens, speak (~ 15 secs). He reports that being Karneval-Prinz in Köln ranks just a tweak below being the Pope! And: "Einmal Prinz, immer Prinz," or "Once the Prince, always a Prince!"


  1. The floats in the last video were really interesting. The parade look likes a lot of fun, and that is a ton of candy!

  2. I really hope I get the chance to take part in Karneval some day!!
