Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Doppelbegabung: Twice Gifted, NKHS Paul Spetrini

Kann er Deutsch? Nein, schade.

Aber er kann sehr viel! Er spielt wunderbar Volleyball und auch Trompete! Schau:

-->Was machst DU gern?

-->Wie oft übst DU, um GUT zu sein ??
(üben = to practice)


  1. Ich kenne dieses Kind. He use to live in my neighborhood.

  2. Ich spiele Klavier, laufen, und schwimmt gern. Paul Spetrini ist erstaunlich, zu Trompete spielen

  3. This is really cool! It's really funny to see a room that I see almost every day. When did they do this recording? It looked very recent.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Its amazing to see athletes both interesed in sports and have a talent to play an instruument. I amazes me how every year a sttudent from our school is awarded and has the oppurtunity to be interviewed and on the news because of ther talent. The word gets around quick. JUst like 2years ago with Liz Bizel and her swimming and now we have this student who is both good at volleyball and loves playing trumpet. I think its always good to not only play a sport but have a hobby that you really enjoy that makes you proud.


  6. these athletes are awesome

  7. interesting i learn something new everyday

  8. thats pretty cool that he is so talented that he can do both very nicely.

  9. It's cool how he can do so many things so well

  10. that's cool, interesting, and awesome. It's cool how talented he is.

  11. Kuhl! What a great accomplishment!

  12. I have seen him play volleyball and he is great. Also, for one the games we played awhile back, he played the National Anthem on his trumpet before their game. Great student athlete.

  13. This looks really recent. The configuration of the room looks like it was about three or four weeks ago because of the Symphonic testing sign that Mrs. Silviera hung up.

  14. Ich denke dass ist gut, aber nicht Nachricht. Aber kann ich gitarre und ukulele spielen und motorad fahren.

  15. I've known Paul since Stony Lane Elementary! Such a great kid.
