Tuesday, January 10, 2012

10 Pitfalls to Avoid in German

German.about.com is such a great resource, I relish another chance to share it


Which pitfall will be the easiest for you to avoid?

Which pitfall are you now hoping to receive additional clarification about in class?

AND: Where ELSE does this site lead you? -- Sag uns doch bitte!

PS The book mentioned in this article, Barron's 1001 Pitfalls in German by Henry Strutz is also recommended! HERE'S THE AMAZON LINK:


  1. This things are true. I've noticed a lot of people making these mistakes, and myself included. I think we really need to work on this.

  2. Probably most likely to avoid is gender. I'd like to hear more about word order.

  3. In my honest opinion, I don't think a mere book will be all you need in order to perfect your German. I think the only way to truly perfect your German language is to experience what it would be like to live in a German community. By exposing yourself to the German community, or simply just reading German books, magazines, or newspapers (as well as looking up German songs and videos!) will help you learn the language more efficiently. Knowing a couple other languages, I know that hands-on activities also help out in the learning process, since your mind often reacts to your body and body motions. There's no denying that this book may be great at explaining many common errors German learners make, but you can only enforce the things you learn by performing them yourself.

  4. Ich denke dass Felix richtig ist. Ich weiss dass Deutsch sehr schwer ist und es hat sehr viel Regeln zu lernen. Ich habe weiss welche Geschlecht es ist. Es ist Akkusativ oder? Da ist auch sehr viel mehr Regeln. Ich denke nicht dass ein Buch alle weissen kann.

  5. Genau. Felix ist richtig. Man kann Deutsch lernen wann Man lebt, denkt, und spricht auf Deutsch. Doch, ein Buch kann mit unsere Deutsch lernen helfen. Experience is what can bring fluency. Always try to speak in German!

  6. I have all these problems and its really really hard not to think english

  7. i have a lot of problems with sie or du. i usually say du but sometimes it shouldn't be so informal. Also i forget the gender for a lot of nouns, i think i just need more repetition.
